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Marvel and Telltale Games Team Up

Telltale Games is a Bay Area game house that includes a lot of former LucasArts employees. It focuses on episodic games based on pop-culture franchises. Some current game titles include The Walking Dead, Fables, Game of Thrones, and Jurassic Park. Now, thanks to a newly… Read More »Marvel and Telltale Games Team Up

Daredevil renewed for second season by Netflix and Marvel

When Disney announced a partnership with Netflix to develop original shows set in the Marvel universe, more than a few eyebrows were raised. But Daredevil, the first series to come from that partnership has shown the concern to be unfounded. Released just 12 days ago,… Read More »Daredevil renewed for second season by Netflix and Marvel

Spider-Man Entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Marvel is finally starting to let us know what kind of Spider-Man they’ll be introducing into their Cinematic Universe. In an interview with Collider, Kevin Feige, the man overseeing everything in the MCU, confirmed that we will be seeing Peter Parker alongside the Avengers (as… Read More »Spider-Man Entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe