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Walt Disney World

Something New

Editor: I would like to welcome Kevin Yee as a guest author. I hope it becomes a regular thing. “Don’t you ever get sick of it?” That’s the question that almost always follows the moment when a new acquaintance learns that I visit the Walt Disney… Read More »Something New

Disney World rejects Union Proposal, Deadlock Looms

A few days ago Disney Cast Members voted down the initial contract proposal from Disney. Now Disney has turned down the union’s counter proposal. Disney says its initial offer still stands and that unions have until November 8th to accept it. I don’t see that… Read More »Disney World rejects Union Proposal, Deadlock Looms

More Fun New Merchandise at Disney World

There is more to Walt Disney World merchandise than just t-shirts. I’ve spotted a bunch of new merchandise recently and, while there are a few real bright points, there are also unfortunately a couple misses.

First are there are a bunch of great new Mickey Mouse Ears in the parks. I really like these R2-D2 ones.

One more set of Mickey Ears and two possibly disturbing finds below the jump:

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Disney Balloon and Caricacture Vendor owner dies

I knew that the caricaturists who sketch your profile at Disneyland and Walt Disney World were outside vendors, but I didn’t realize the balloon sellers were. Both licenses are owned by the same company, a company founded by Jess Rubio, who got his start as… Read More »Disney Balloon and Caricacture Vendor owner dies

Is Walt’s Brand of Marketing the Way of the Future?

A story in the NY Times Media Decoder blog brings the good news that Disney Parks have arranged a partnership with the cranberry farm collective Ocean Spray. This will involve Disney selling Ocean Spray products, such as a co-branded Craisin package that features Chip &… Read More »Is Walt’s Brand of Marketing the Way of the Future?

Reservations open for Wild Africa Trek at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Visitors to Disney’s Animal Kingdom who want a closer look at the animals in the Pangani Forest and Kilimanjaro Safari areas of the park have a new option to enjoy. Alas it’s a pricey option with tour prices starting at $129 (which does not include park admission), but it sounds absolutely amazing. Previous to this, the best VIP tour of the area was only for concierge guests at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge.

Full details below the cut:

Read More »Reservations open for Wild Africa Trek at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

And the Bus Crash plague returns to Disney

I know you’ve been missing them, the seemingly weekly occurrence of Bus accidents on or near Disney Property. But they’re back. Tonight at 6pm-ish a car decided that the giant Disney’s Magical Express bus nearby was a perfect object to run into. The result was… Read More »And the Bus Crash plague returns to Disney