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Disney Hyperion’s Sam Saves The Night: Interview with Shari Simpson

Don’t sleep on the new Disney Hyperion novel, and first book in the SleepWakers series, Sam Saves The Night. Every reader needs the positive reinforcement that comes from 13-year-old sleepwalker and wry world-observer, Samantha Fife.  From sleep-baking brownies to sleep-stealing a wheelchair from an upscale… Read More »Disney Hyperion’s Sam Saves The Night: Interview with Shari Simpson

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Ava DuVernay announced as director for Disney’s A Wrinkle In Time

We learned last year that Disney would be making a movie of the 1963 Newberry Medal-winning fantasy classic novel “A Wrinkle in Time” by Madeleine L’Engle and that “Frozen” scribe and co-director Jennifer Lee was set to write the script. It had also been rumored… Read More »Ava DuVernay announced as director for Disney’s A Wrinkle In Time

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Novelization

Now that you’ve seen “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” in theaters (you have, haven’t you?), get the official novelization of the movie and dive deeper into the stories of Episode VII. Written by Alan Dean Foster, who was the ghost writer for the original novelization… Read More »Star Wars: The Force Awakens Novelization