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10th Anniversary Year of Giving – Week 2 Contest


Last week we kicked off our Year of Giving to celebrate The Disney Blog’s 10th anniversary. I’m happy to announce that Rebecca Clark Guerrero was the winner of the first drawing for a MyMagic+ watch and bag.

For the second week, we’re giving away a copy of my recently published book “Dispatch From Disneyland.” It’s chock full of stories, essays, & interesting facts from the Happiest Place on Earth – Disneyland.


Thank you so much for entering. I look forward to taking The Disney Blog to new places in its 10th year.

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Enchanted 2 Signs Scribes Moves Closer to Reality

If you recall how Disney’s Enchanted ended, Giselle (Amy Adams) ended up with her prince (Patrick Dempsey) and a successful career in fashion in the real world, while Adele Dazeem (played by Idina Menzel (I’m joking)) got her man in the animated one. The whole… Read More »Enchanted 2 Signs Scribes Moves Closer to Reality

A disturbance in the force – Moves to Platform

Ever since Disney bought Lucasfilm, the various properties have been slowly getting assimilated into the Disney way of life. The latest change is the moving of the website from the legacy Lucasfilm platform to a new one based on the platform. They’ve also… Read More »A disturbance in the force – Moves to Platform

Lights Motors Action hero car nearly sheers off roof in scary accident today

Update: Video of the accident has now been uploaded to YouTube.

Also another angle on Instagram:

Notice how the red light is blinking on the two black cars, that’s an indicator they are in emergency stop mode.

Original post below:

The Lights Motors Action stunt car show at Disney’s Hollywood Studios has been known to have an accident every now and then. It’s a stunt show, things are going to happen. The good news is that Disney and the professional team of stunt people involved in the show work hard to ensure everyone’s safety.

But some times things go wrong like today. Disney fan Tony Caggiano was in the audience at Light’s Motors Action today and just happened to be running a roll of 30 quick frames off on his camera during the big finale when the red hero car jumps out of the building on the back of the set, down a ramp, and then jumps across the water moat at the front.

Not everything went as planned


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Big Hero 6 Character Posters

A set of six new character posters from Disney’s next animated feature “Big Hero 6” have made their way onto the internet. It’s not clear if these are official posters or rejected art for some sort of merchandise project. But they do have our first… Read More »Big Hero 6 Character Posters