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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Disney

Page 42 – No, not the answer to your question, but instead a marvelous site that is reproducing many paper cutout projects from old German Disney Comics. With the growing return of the Papercraft hobby it wouldn’t suprise me to see Disney release new versions… Read More »The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Disney

Disney Round Up

A look at the latest stories to hit the digital Disney community for the past week. On the Fabulous Disney Babe’s site Jon Nadelberg offers his opinion on when Disneyland ‘Jumped The Shark’ has a story on the scaled down version of the Tower… Read More »Disney Round Up

When will they learn?

Rumors are again circulating about the demise of one of Disneyland’s most cherished, but least visited, attractions. Yes. The eyes of park management have turned once more toward Great Moments with Mr Lincoln and this time the famous attration’s fate may already be sealed.

What is known is that current announced plans for the celebration surrounding the 50th Anniversary of Disneyland call for Mr Lincoln to take a hiatus for the length of the celebration. Part of what’s leading to the rumors is that ever since Light Magic, The Keel Boats, and the Submarine Voyage (despite Marty Sklar’s famous speed bump on Harbor Blvd speach) all went on ‘hiatus’ and never came back, hiatus has become a Disney codeword for ‘sent out to pasture’ aka retired. Needless to say this revelation is causing the bunching of many a panty.

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Son of WED

Here’s a guy I have something in common with (warning links to /. conversation:ed). His father worked for WED Imagineering around the same time my grandfather did. One of my best memories at the park is walking through the control room in the Haunted Mansion,… Read More »Son of WED