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The Mark Twain: A leisurely paddle steamboatnavigating the Rivers of America in the 19thCentury! A venerable Disneyland institution,you date to opening day in 1955 and respresentstablity, tradition, and a healthy dose ofAmericana. You never make your passengersseasick (in part due to the fact that you… Read More »Quizilla!

Mickey Mouse in Space

In 1955 Walt Disney broadcast the famous ‘Disneyland’ TV show on ABC. In large part it was an effort to publicize his upcoming creation of the Disneyland Themepark. One of the lands in Disneyland is Tomorrowland and the ideas and philosophy behind that led to… Read More »Mickey Mouse in Space

Disney’s Animal Kingdom Welcomes Baby Elephant

Exciting news from Disney’s Animal Kingdom in Orlando, FL. (thanks!) “In the same way that people prepare their homes for a newborn baby, the staff at Disney’s Animal Kingdom took steps to “baby proof” the elephant habitat to ensure that there were no hazards… Read More »Disney’s Animal Kingdom Welcomes Baby Elephant

Disney, OpenTV Settle Patent Dispute

“Disney’s agreement to license these patents and our late-stage discussions with Walt Disney Internet Group to work with us to develop enhanced TV programming provides a solid foundation on which we can create exciting television for viewers across the United States” ( Disney, OpenTV Settle… Read More »Disney, OpenTV Settle Patent Dispute

The Great Cartoon Debate, Part I

“The terror that flaps in the night singlehandedly saved Disney from being relegated to “not culturally important enough” status in this debate. We had Darkwing cereal bowls, beach towels and t-shirts. We even got his autograph when we went to Disney World.” The Great Cartoon… Read More »The Great Cartoon Debate, Part I

A Celebration Fourth

Celebration, known as the town the Disney built, is in its last phase of growth for the foreseeable future. Disney has begun the process of removing its name from the project and a resemblance of normal life has taken over the town that once held… Read More »A Celebration Fourth

Fastest Way to do Disney?

Looking for the Fastest Way to do Disney’s Magic Kingdom in a day… here’s one man who set the record. update: Danny from Danny’s land points out that this record is wimpy when compared to Steve Lowery’s 1999 marathon at Disneyland.