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Disneyland adds advanced mobile app

Disneyland looks like it is getting ready to take advantage of the Next-Gen technology developed under the MyMagic+ banner out at Walt Disney World. A new mobile app is available for download on iTunes and Google Play. You’ll definitely want to use it on your… Read More »Disneyland adds advanced mobile app

The business behind Disney’s MyMagic+ MagicBands

A long deep dive into the business behind Disney’s multi-billion dollar MyMagic+ project by Austin Carr has been published by Fast Company. It’s a well written piece with a lot of sources and some “in the room” insights about the project that I’ve never heard… Read More »The business behind Disney’s MyMagic+ MagicBands

Is Disney’s Magic Band the Future of Retail

Disney’s Magic Band and the related MyMagic+ and Fastpass+ are just three elements of a skunk works type division charged with creating Next-Gen experiences for guests at Walt Disney World. Just how revolutionary are these changes? One Tampa Bay Tribune business columnist has gone so… Read More »Is Disney’s Magic Band the Future of Retail

Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Interactive Queue


We talked a bit about Disney’s new idea of improved scene one guest experiences during our first look at the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train interactive queue. These additions to the guest experience don’t just make waiting in time less boring, they transform the interaction all together.

Take the new Dumbo attraction. The play environment is friendly for kids of all ages and Disney has found that some families return to the attraction later in the day, just so the kids can experience the play zone again. In essence, it’s like its own attraction. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad recently had its own queue re-envisioning. It drastically updated the story Imagineers are able to tell and added a new variety of interaction as well.

With Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, the audience is in the middle of those two attractions. As such, the interactive experiences are more a mix of the above some great Disney scene ones.

We were able to sneak back into the queue during a rainstorm and get some daytime shots and footage from the interactive elements.

I found at least one ‘easter egg’ in the gem sorting game. There’s a bar of soap, which we know the dwarfs don’t like, so when you touch it, it squirts off the screen. Cute.

There are also a few more photos below the jump.

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Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Interactive Queue at Night

The Seven Dwarfs Mine Train standby queue features three interactive games you can play while passing the time. Projects like these are considered part of the Next-Gen technology that’s being introduced with MyMagic+.effectiveffe The first element is a trough game where you sort gems by… Read More »Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Interactive Queue at Night