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Theme park Star Wars expansion to be based on new films, says Disney CEO


Yesterday Disney’s CEO Bob Iger was interviewed by Variety’s Claudia Eller at their Dealmakers Breakfast event in Hollywood. These breakfast gatherings are wonderful, less formal settings and sometimes the interview subjects really open up in terms of what they share with that audience. I’m sure Iger didn’t spill the beans on anything he didn’t want to, but what he did mention is pretty big news.

The conversation started of on some general topics related to running a studio the size of The Walt Disney Company. Iger focused on how in a world where there’s more content than ever, it’s even more crucial to create fantastic content. Sometimes the mouse house even makes content that it knows is great, even if it doesn’t expect it to find an audience. Iger called films like “Million Dollar Arm” and “McFarland” ‘Brand Deposits’ to give the brand some value with consumers. In theory, with enough ‘brand deposits’ the company can cash out with some off-brand material every now and then too.

Iger mentioned his thoughts on the ABC Network lacking a cohesive brand due to it’s wide variety of shows and programming. He also mentioned he recently rode a prototype of a creature based Avatar ride that will be coming to Animal Kingdom. This sounds like the ‘Soarin’ like ride that will feature a Banshee like flight across Pandora.

The conversation then turned toward Star Wars, which is one of a few big properties coming out for Disney next year. Actually, Iger let loose this gem first “We’d love to make another Indiana Jones movie, but we’re pacing ourselves right now,” indicating that Star Wars would be a priority.

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Agent Carter’s New Film Noir Poster

This new Agent Carter poster from ABC has a film noir flair reminiscent of classic Hollywood, which makes since since the show is set in 1940s America. Haley Atwell reprises her role of Agent Peggy Carter from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Also reprising his role… Read More »Agent Carter’s New Film Noir Poster

New Trailer for Pixar’s Inside Out


Well it’s here folks! The first real trailer for Pixar’s Inside Out has just dropped today. As we learned yesterday, Inside Out will look into the minds of not only Riley but her parents as well.

This is our first real glimpse at Pixar’s new film. Up until now we have only received teaser trailers and posters. Each one telling a little bit more. This trailer does give us a tone for the film. From the looks of it, we are in for a fast paced ride as we switch between the main characters different emotions.

As was earlier revealed, each parent has their own emotional control center. The mother has a talk show in her head. The father has a military missile base inside his. What stuck out to me were the central emotions for each character. Joy, while absent, is going to be Riley’s main emotion. The parents are a little different. Sadness is at the center for mom while anger is at the center for dad. That right there is pretty telling of the state of these characters. It also gives an idea of how conflicts will unfold in the movie.Read More »New Trailer for Pixar’s Inside Out

Carol of the Bells By Chakranadi At Disney’s Animal Kingdom

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Disney Theatrical celebrates 20 years on Broadway

Hard to believe it’s been 20 years since Disney opened its first production of “Beauty and the Beast” on Broadway. Since then it’s successfully brought 11 productions to the Great White Way, not all of them based on classic Disney animated features either. Disney will… Read More »Disney Theatrical celebrates 20 years on Broadway

Marvel’s The Avengers sing Christmas Carols

This one had me chuckling for hours. The Avengers and a few other creatures from Marvel’s Cinematic Universe are craftily edited together to sing Christmas Carols in this new fan produced video. Thanks to James Covenant whose talent and humor made this Christmas gift possible.… Read More »Marvel’s The Avengers sing Christmas Carols