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Michelle Snow

Michelle Snow is a huge fan of Disney, Marvel, and Star Wars in films and TV, as well as the Disney parks. She's also an award-winning writer who has written several guidebooks on Orlando. Follow her on Twitter @zengrrl. Her blog, CitySurfing Orlando has covered Orlando and the theme parks since 2010. Her favorite rides at the Disney parks are Star Tours, Big Thunder Mountain, and Indiana Jones Adventure, and she may have cried tears of joy when she first saw the Millenium Falcon at Galaxy's Edge. She collects anything to do with Star Wars original trilogy (she saw 1977's "A New Hope" on opening weekend), Snow White, Grumpy, Tinkerbell, and Stitch.

Videopolis: Newsies Set to Uptown Funk

Newsies is a classic Disney movie featuring some great choreographed dancing. But what happens when you remove the soundtrack and change the music? If the song is “Uptown Funk,” the recent smash by Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars, the answer is pretty amazing. That’s right,… Read More »Videopolis: Newsies Set to Uptown Funk

Marvel Opens WHIH World News Social Media Accounts for Viral Ant-Man Promotion

In an effort to promote the Ant-Man movie, Marvel has launched a viral video promotion via YouTube, Twitter, and Google Plus. They’ve opened up an “official” channel on YouTube for WHIH World News, an organization that “reports on political, scientific, and entertainment news,” according to… Read More »Marvel Opens WHIH World News Social Media Accounts for Viral Ant-Man Promotion

SDCC15: Star Wars Panels at San Diego Comic Con

With the Star Wars Universe in high gear in film, TV, and print, Lucasfilm is hosting several panels at this year’s San Diego Comic Con. The big panel will be “Lucasfilm” on Friday, July 10 at 5:30pm. During this panel, Lucasfilm president and producer Kathleen… Read More »SDCC15: Star Wars Panels at San Diego Comic Con