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Disneyland Hotel Union and Roseanne Barr?

Okay. Local 11 of the Unite Here union that’s currently battling Disneyland Resort over better working conditions and health care has a new video out featuring their ironic spokesperson Mr. Micky Mouth interviewing Roseanne Barr. Apparently this was part of the campaign to get Motion… Read More »Disneyland Hotel Union and Roseanne Barr?

10 Recent lawsuits targeting Disney Parks

The Hollywood Reporter has a smart line up of 10 recent lawsuits to target a Disney park. Some are more legitimate than others… and at least none are threatening to sue Disney for a stone dropping off the castle and hitting them (it’s fiberglass in… Read More »10 Recent lawsuits targeting Disney Parks

Disneyland’s Suspicious Device A Geo-Location Cache

Oh those wacky Geo-Location Cache Hobbyists, causing Disneyland Resort’s Downtown Disney and Disneyland Drive to close down for 90 plus minutes today while Police brought in the bomb squad, what were they thinking? Who knows? But that’s certainly better news than someone planting a bomb… Read More »Disneyland’s Suspicious Device A Geo-Location Cache

Reserve Rides From Home: Coming soon to Disney parks

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Today Tom Staggs, the chief of Disney’s Parks and Resorts, told investors that one feature of the coming “Next Gen” technology (reportedly costing $1B in sum) will be the ability to reserve ride times, show times, and meetings with characters from home, the way you… Read More »Reserve Rides From Home: Coming soon to Disney parks

Disneyland Update – A Quickie

Update: Some new photos of the Mark Twain under rehab below the jump.

Thanks to Agent P P we have a short update from Disneyland to share with you today. It’s very quick, so hang onto those hats and glasses.

You’ll have to look awfully close to see the haunted carriage in front of the Haunted Mansion. It’s even more invisible than usual, at least until it returns from repairs.

Due to the walls that surround the area where the letters were once located getting in to DCA feels a bit like being herded like cattle. The construction in DCA is about the same, the same walls that everyone has been posting for weeks.

More below the jump:

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