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Man Injured Attempting to Board Attraction at DisneyWorld

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The Orlando Sentinel reports on an incident where a 70-year old man had a difficult time navigating the moving conveyor-belt-like platform and the smallish entry into the Peter Pan attraction vehicles. He fell back and was hit by the oncoming vehicle before Disney Cast Members could stop the attraction. Initial rumors stated that injuries were… Read More »Man Injured Attempting to Board Attraction at DisneyWorld

NYC Employees visit Mickey on Taxpayers Dime

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A group of New York City Finance Department Employees visited Walt Disney World in Orlando on a team-building exercise using Taxpayer dollars. Not bad by itself. But the total $127,000.00 seems a bit outrageous? Where were they staying the Grand Floridian?

Amazing Scan of early Club33 Brochure

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Believe it or not there was a time when people had to be sold on the wonders of Club33. There was also a time when the Disney family memorabilia and trophies still haunted its halls. Well Opus1Guy has been kind enough to scan in a sales brochure from 1967 which highlights Club33 in all its… Read More »Amazing Scan of early Club33 Brochure

Eisner Moves on to become… Larry King

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Ex-Disney CEO Michael Eisner is moving on to become… Larry King or, as he would prefer, Charlie Rose. He’s recorded his first few shows to be shown on CNBC (originally just six shows a year, although it sounds like the number might have risen some). Based on his hosting job at The Wonderful World of… Read More »Eisner Moves on to become… Larry King

Shaggy Dog Stories

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Worth1000, the photoshop effects gallery, recently had a series on Celebrities who have been Shaggified in honor of Disney’s remake of the Shaggy Dog films. Some are better than others, some are pretty pathetic. However, if that gets your tail wagging, then you’ll want to check out this new trailer for the Tim Allen version… Read More »Shaggy Dog Stories

J.J. Abrams Finds LOST … again.

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Sci-fi wire reports that J.J. Abrams is wrapping up his work in Mission Impossible III and looking forward to sticking his fingers into the mystery that is LOST, perhaps even directing an episode or two. Abrams said that he will dive back into Lost next season, now that M:I III is nearing completion. "I will… Read More »J.J. Abrams Finds LOST … again.

Animation Shift

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Jim over at Seward Street talks about his shift of jobs from Dreamworks Animation to the upstart James Baxter Animation. I’m really looking forward to seeing the work that comes from the James Baxter studios, having Jim on the staff will only help, I’m sure. Jim also talks about the coming resurgance of 2-D, aka… Read More »Animation Shift

Trailers for Disney’s next Animated Film: The Wild

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Here’s a first look at the next Disney Animated film, The Wild. It opens in theaters nationwide on April 14th. Trailer 1 – QT 300 – 1500 / Real SM LRG / Ipod Total cost for the film is estimated to be around $80 million. Some of the team of animators who worked on The… Read More »Trailers for Disney’s next Animated Film: The Wild