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Did Steve Jobs fudge the numbers in the Pixar acquisition deal?

The LA Times has run a story claiming that if Steve Jobs played loose with backdated stock option numbers then it looks like Disney probably overpaid when it acquired Pixar. Apparently Disney is looking into the matter. It’s a complicated picture for sure. I’m curious to see if anything comes from the allegations. (Read)

Disney’s relationship with China

This story shows that Disney’s relationship with China goes much farther than just a theme park. In fact, Hong Kong Disneyland is only a gateway into the world’s largest market. "Our research has found that Disney parks help to increase the overall awareness of the Disney brand," [a Disney spokesman] said. "There is good synergy… Read More »Disney’s relationship with China

LOST footage Lost

Here’s another quirky story about ABCs hit TV show LOST. Apparently, canisters of film are still being sent back and forth to Burbank via commercial airline cargo shipping. I could have sworn they were shooting in digital HD. Some of these canisters were X-rayed by Airport TSA personnel despite big warning labels telling them not… Read More »LOST footage Lost

Spooky Baskmasking in LOST

Well, the second half of Season 3 kicked off with a great episode. Unfortunately the ratings dropped off. I wonder how much of that was due to the fact it starts and hour later now. I thought it was a good episode that answered a few mysteries and set up the answering of many more… Read More »Spooky Baskmasking in LOST

Tom Sawyer Island, circa 1958 (pre-lawyer)

Gorilla’s Don’t Blog reveals another interesting tidbit from Disneyland’s past. Using photos of Tom Sawyer Island from c.1958 we discover that the island was once so popular that it had three landings for the rafts. I was under the impression that there was just one landing working at any time and that it just moved… Read More »Tom Sawyer Island, circa 1958 (pre-lawyer)

Disneyland Cast Members Going Unionless?

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There’s a rumor that, as of midnight, the Disneyland cast members covered under the Master Services Agreement will be dropped by their union(s).  The Master Services Agreement covers many front-line cast members such as Ride Operators, Vendors, Store Operations, Custodial, and more. Disneyland cast members have often had a tense relationship with their unions.  There… Read More »Disneyland Cast Members Going Unionless?

Disney Dream Job

Disney and CareerBuilder have joined forces in a promotional campaign that attracts attention to CareerBuilder (which I’ve used in the past) and hopefully attracts some new cast members for Disney’s theme parks. With unemployment in the areas around Disneyland and Disney World at all time lows, the parks are having problems hiring and retaining workers.… Read More »Disney Dream Job

Pixar Short “Geri’s Game” recreated as Live Action

Over at Cartoonbrew they’ve found this amazing short film from Brazilian film students Cesar Turin, Dalila Martins, Dani Libardi and Dhyana Mai. It’s a shot-for-shot recreation of the Pixar short "Geri’s game" (1997). For comparison purposes you can see the original "Geri’s game" here.