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Nine Queens of Music sing The Lion King medley with soulful brilliance

Music producer and Broadway YouTuber Michael Korte has brought together nine female vocalists to put a soulful stamp on a medley of songs from Broadway’s The Lion King. He calls it “Queens Sing King” and it’s an amazing video. Featured vocalists are: Lisa Oduor-Noah, Trenyce,… Read More »Nine Queens of Music sing The Lion King medley with soulful brilliance

Videopolis: Disney Princess Acapella Medley

Some of my favorite Disney fan videos are acapella medleys of classic Disney tunes. These are the ones where all the sounds you hear are made by the people you see in the video. We’re excited to share our latest discovery with you today. It’s… Read More »Videopolis: Disney Princess Acapella Medley

Videopolis: Remember Me from Pixar’s Coco

After seeing Pixar’s “Coco” the first time I couldn’t get the song “Remember Me” out of my head. It turns out neither could a lot of people. Some of them turned to their guitars and ukulele’s to recreate the moving song and uploaded them to… Read More »Videopolis: Remember Me from Pixar’s Coco