Chris grew up during the Disney renaissance of animation and took his first trip to Disney World when he was ten. Even though he has loved Disney his whole life, his obsession didn't start until he began planning a trip for his honeymoon. Right now, his primary job (at least the one that doesn't pay the bills) is to indoctrinate his daughter with his love of Disney while at the same time convincing his wife to move to Orlando so he can become a tour guide in the parks.
He can also be found indulging in his nerdy side (both Disney related and otherwise) at
Things are continuing to pick up in this weeks Agent Carter. The episode begins with Thomson, Dooley and Carter interrogating Dr. Ivchenko. Dooley wants to know about Leviathan but Carter is more concerned about the Black Widow Project – the Russian girls that have been… Read More »Agent Carter Recap: Episode 6 – A Sin to Err
With the March 3rd return of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. quickly approaching, news of what the second half of the season is beginning to emerge. TV Insider brings news that Lady Sif of Asgard is making a return to the show in the second episode but… Read More »Lady Sif of Asgard returning to Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
It was a will-they, won’t-they story rivaling the best romantic comedy. Rumors from every where that Sony and Marvel were working together to bring Spider-Man to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I honestly had to remind myself that today is not April 1st when I read… Read More »Spider-man joins the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Excelsior!
This weeks episode was packed. Lots of action. The return of the Howling Commandos. Revealed backstory for both Thomson and Dottie (and, by extension, Agent Romanov in the present day). Sousa discovers what Peggy’s been up to, or thinks he has anyway.
The episode begins in 1937 where we see a group of young girls being groomed for the Black Widow Program. While that name didn’t get used this week, Marvel did release an interview with the shows producers about how they came up with the idea. The implication is that this is where Dottie was raised, but we don’t get confirmation until the end of the episode.
Back in 1946, Dottie and Peggy are out in the diner together when Dottie manages to secretly get Peggy’s room keys out of her purse. On the way to the SSR, Jarvis comes up to Peggy to pled for her to rejoin him in helping Stark prove his innocence, but, of course, she’s still understandably mad at them both. Jarvis does manage to get into her head the idea that, despite his failings, Stark is a good man and Peggy knows it.
The SSR office is in complete chaos as the typewriter has typed out a coded message that no one can break. No one except Peggy. She swoops in, breaks the code without breaking a sweat, showing up all of the men in the room with her. She then pleads with Dooley to let her go on the mission to Russia, based on her ability to break the code and her familiarity with the terrain. But it isn’t until she calls in the 107th (a.k.a. the Howling Commandos) that she is allowed to join the team.
Peggy has to change for the mission in the men’s locker room because there isn’t a women’s. This leads to some witty banter between her and Thomson but it also leads Sousa to the discovery that Peggy has a couple of bullet wounds on her shoulder. More on that later.Read More »Agent Carter Recap – Episode 5: The Iron Ceiling
We’ve made to the half way point of the series. Interestingly, the main objective of the series, the search for Howard Stark’s stolen technology, is over. Which begs the question, what do the last four episodes have in store?
This week’s episode was once again, light on action, but still delivered two major reveals. The episode begins with the return of Howard Stark, who is still on the run. His normal hiding spots are now under surveillance so Peggy ends up letting him hide out in her apartment, you know, the one that doesn’t allow men inside in the building. This week we definitely got to see the more negative side of Stark’s personality, from the way he seduced all of the ladies on Peggy’s hall, to how he chose to lie to her about her mission.
Stark tells Peggy that one of his inventions, the Blitzkrieg Button, has been turned on and, if activated, will cause the entire city of New York to black out. Of course, he’s the only one who can disarm it so he needs her to bring it to him.
In the midst of this, we are introduced to Mr. Mink, who attempts to capture Peggy and Jarvis. The writers clearly wanted us to think that he was going to be the big villain of the piece, which makes what happens later more shocking.Read More »Agent Carter Episode 4 Recap: The Blitzkrieg Button
With Agent Carter taking a break this week, I thought we’d turn to the comics to see what Marvel has been up to lately. First off, Marvel introduced a new S.H.I.E.L.D. comic title that stars Agent Coulson. And, while the comic doesn’t take place in… Read More »Marvel News Round Up: Comics Edition
What this week’s episode lacks in action, it makes up for in character. After an announcement made by Peggy’s new landlady, she gets the idea to investigate the hole beneath Howard Stark’s safe to see if she can figure out how our mystery man broke in.
Just before she and Jarvis plan to make their way down to the safe, Thompson and Souza show up at the door. They’re investigating Stark’s license plate that was found in the wreckage of last week’s implosion. Because Stark is on the run, Jarvis is the number one suspect and is brought into SSR custody for interrogation.
Jarvis lies, claiming that Stark’s car was stolen that he reported it a few days earlier. In the SSR office, Peggy takes a figurative bullet for Javis when she claims that she lost the stolen car report, allowing Jarvis to go free putting her in hot water with her superiors.
However, it is revealed during the interrogation that, during the war, Jarvis was charged with treason and dishonorably discharged.
Back at her apartment, Peggy is getting ready to meet Jarvis when Angie shows up at the door. She tries to turn Angie away politely, but Angie is hurt non-the-less. As they leave her apartment, their landlady walks by and introduces them to her new tenant: Dorothy “Dottie” Underhill. Some people in the fan community think that Angie shouldn’t be trusted, but my money is on Dottie. This is the only scene that she’s in (clearly anyway) and I don’t think they introduced her for no reason. There’s more to her story.Read More »Agent Carter Recap: Episode 3 – Time and Tide
Yes, you read that correctly. Disney is doing what it does best – synergy. Marvel and ESPN have come together to create a documentary and a series of video shorts. Both projects combine the style of ESPN’s films with Marvel’s artistic style and design. “1… Read More »Marvel and ESPN Team Up