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ABC sends early good news to 12 series, you’re renewed

It’s a bit early in the renewal season, but apparently there were no questions for Disney/ABC executives about the strengths of their current fall schedule. Nearly every show has already been renewed for this fall. Cast and producers for “Dancing With the Stars,” “Desperate Housewives,”… Read More »ABC sends early good news to 12 series, you’re renewed

The Unusual(s) Recap: Crime Slut

I first want to apologize for the tardiness of my recap. Last night I had the pleasure of attending the Orlando Magic playoff game with the intention of watching “The Unusuals” when I got home. Unfortunately, my Bright House Networks DVR did not have the same intentions. It decided to ignore my series settings and didn’t record last night’s episode. Thank goodness for ABC’s website, where you can watch full episodes!

This week’s episode starts out at Det. Walsh’s house where Det. Beaumont is paying him an adult visit when she receives a phone call that obviously upsets her. We don’t hear the other side of the conversation, but it is very obvious that she needs to come up with $2,200 by the afternoon or something bad will happen. While she rushes to get ready, and lies to Walsh about where she is going, she cannot find her watch. Walsh quickly lets her borrow his, pointing out that it was his grandfathers. This watch leads to some bad decisions made by Beaumont during the rest of the episode.

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The Unusual(s) Recap: One Man Band

Thanks for checking back for my second edition of The Unusual(s) Recap. You can check out last weeks recap here. This week ABC has blessed us with two brand new episodes of “The Unusuals”, so check back tomorrow morning for another recap.

This weeks episode starts out with Det. Delahoya and Det. Banks chasing a one man band, hence the title of the episode. You know, one of these guys. Even with the multiple instruments and bass drum on his back he managed to out run the detectives until Delahoya threw an apple and knocked him out. Not very realistic, but effective.

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Dancing with the Stars 8-7: Big Group Number Time

The stars thought they had it hard until now. But at this point in the competition, they are responsible for two dances a night. Of course, tonight the second dance is just the 60’s themed group dance. (Just, he says. As if he ever had to do it. And yes, Mark is now referring to himself in the third person. At least until this paragraph ends.)

And we can’t forget that the stars actually designed the costumes this week. So far, I don’t notice too much out of the ordinary except for Edyta. She is wearing a fur collar coat or something else equally funny. I may not be able to stop laughing when it comes their turn to dance.Read More »Dancing with the Stars 8-7: Big Group Number Time

The Unusual(s) Recap: Boorland Day

Editor: I’m pleased to welcome Joe Omundson to The Disney Blog as a guest author.

The Second Squad continues their unorthodox patrol of New York City in the second episode of ABC’s “The Unusuals.” If you missed John’s post from last week about the pilot, check it out!

The episode opens with a bank robbery ending with Det. Walsh (Jeremy Renner) tackling a robber holding a huge bag of money. The robber turns out to be a 17-year old honors student that just happens to belong to the wrong family. A string of robberies pop up and at one hold up the robbers left an onion. Yes, a big yellow onion in the big apple. This onion is the trademark of the Boorland family, hence the episode’s title, “Boorland Days”

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ABC ready to burn final episodes of retired shows

Fans of canceled shows “Pushing Daisies,” “Eli Stone” and “Dirty Sexy Money” get ready to set your DVRs. Disney/ABC has announced the finale air dates to burn off the remaining episodes of those shows. “Pushing Daisies” returning to the schedule as of Saturday, May 30… Read More »ABC ready to burn final episodes of retired shows