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Disney World history uncovered in Orlando

While the long gone Cherry Plaza hotel on Lake Eola in Orlando was the site where Walt Disney made the initial 1965 announcement that Disney had bought up a bunch of property south of the town, the actual plans for Disney World weren’t released until… Read More »Disney World history uncovered in Orlando

House of the Future

House of the Future Video

House of the Future

There was a time when Disneyland’s Tomorrowland positively reeked of futurism. Mass transportation, space exploration, and the benefits of scientific research were all put on a pedestal for the American public. One of the most famous examples of this was a partnership with Monsanto, MIT, and Imagineering to build a home made of plastics.

The home sat at the entrance to Tomorrowland, where the Pixie Hollow meet & greet is now, from 1957 to 1967. Touring inside the “House of the Future”, you would find a variety of innovations each with the promise of making living easier and more comfortable. From plastic furnishings to a microwave oven or electric dishwasher guests were wowed with what the future would bring. At least for a few years before these things actually did start to make it into the common household.

This film features the home of the future as part of Monsanto’s efforts to promote the use of plastics in everything. It’s a great look inside the structure for those who never had a chance to see it first hand:

Part two is below the jump:

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The Importance of Being 12 – Tony Baxter

Say what you want about Tony Baxter, he is one of the few Imagineers remaining that bridges the gap between the original designers of Disneyland and the modern day crew that’s working on the parks. He recently gave a talk on “The Importance of Being… Read More »The Importance of Being 12 – Tony Baxter