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Proof that Mickey Mouse was created by Aliens!

Here’s a website with proof that Mickey Mouse was created by Aliens. Look at these crop circles that are clearly in the famous shape of Mickey Mouse. Walt Disney must have been channeling alien dreams when he created the famous mouse. I think I’ll sue the Walt Disney Company to give Mickey back to the… Read More »Proof that Mickey Mouse was created by Aliens!

EM:HE’s Ed Sanders: Get Well Soon!

I just watched last night’s very moving episode of Extreme Makeover:Home Edition. 9/11 Hero and Former Marine Jason Thomas and his family were honored with a new house to replace the lemon they were living in. It was one of those two-hour episodes where nearly every moment brings a tear to your eye. As part… Read More »EM:HE’s Ed Sanders: Get Well Soon!

Shameless Plug – Kenversations(TM)

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It’s finally time for another shameless plug.  (I called in a "Shamless" plug at first, but I guess that works, too.) The first part of the latest edition of my Kenversations(TM) column was posted today on In this three-part column, I examine the big changes both inside Disney and around Disney over the last… Read More »Shameless Plug – Kenversations(TM)

Isn’t It Romantic?

We’re all familiar with the idea of a Disney wedding right?  Well, why stop there?  How about a honeymoon while you’re at it? Disney has announced a new honeymoon registery where couples can register for, well, whatever their heart desires.  Within reason of course. I must admit, as one that appreciates the romance of Disney,… Read More »Isn’t It Romantic?

Epcot Central Weighs in on lack of 25th anniversary celebration

Epcot Central weighs in on Park VP Brad Rex’s announcement that there will be no 25th Anniversary Celebration for Epcot. Given the direct ties between Epcot (née EPCOT Center) to Walt Disney, given that the welcome announcement that played every day for years at EPCOT Center directly acknowledge the important role that EPCOT played in… Read More »Epcot Central Weighs in on lack of 25th anniversary celebration

Does Disney World Welcome The Locals?

Yesterday the Orlando Sentinel published a review of Citricos, a restaurant located in Walt Disney World at the Grand Floridian. Some comments by the reviewer Scott Joseph hit home with at least one local who blogged their dissatisfaction with Disney World’s attitude to its local customers. If you’re a local visitor to Disney World how… Read More »Does Disney World Welcome The Locals?

Florida Man Asserts He Owns Mickey

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Sorry Ken, I’m calling bullshit on this one. Anyone who spends three seconds comparing this guy’s sketch to the very earliest cartoons of Mickey Mouse knows what this guy has is a fake. It might be an authentic Disney Studios product, but it’s not an early sketch of the mouse. See this still from ‘Plane… Read More »Florida Man Asserts He Owns Mickey