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Book Review: Pencils, Pens & Brushes belongs on your shelf


Pencils, Pens & Brushes is a colorful, educational inspiration. 

A whimsical and wonderful biographical account, the book focuses on key accomplishments of many “Great Girls” of Disney animation who inspire with their talents at the turn of each page. Readers catch a glimpse of the lives and contributions of Lillian and Edna Disney, Mary Blair (“color designer extraordinaire”), Grace Huntington (writer and pilot), Mary Costa (voice of Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty) and many others.

As a condensed, young reader version of Mindy Johnson’s Ink & Paint: The Women of Walt Disney’s Animation, this book is for young and old and everyone in between. It is highly accessible to readers of all levels thanks to fun, rhyming prose and eye-catching illustrations. 

It includes a timeline of Disney achievements, as well as a neat summary of how animation is made because “Great Girls of animation understand each role, for it takes many hands to achieve one goal!” 

The girls sure are great, and the book is first-rate! Pencils, Pens & Brushes belongs on every shelf and the lessons in it to be held in every heart. Purchase Pencils, Pens & Brushes via Amazon today and save up to 50% off the price and help support The Disney Blog. Thank you