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Disney World makes four hotels dog friendly

People with pets who want to visit Walt Disney World have to make a hard choice, leave them home or bring them with. Bringing them with has meant options for staying on property were very limited (overnight kennels or off-site hotels or vacation homes). But… Read More »Disney World makes four hotels dog friendly

Very Merrytime Disney Cruises still available in 2017

If you’re looking for a magical vacation for your family this holiday season, consider a trip that’s both nautical and nice: a Disney cruise that’s all decked out with holiday cheer. Starting early November, all four ships of the Disney Cruise Line add sparkle as… Read More »Very Merrytime Disney Cruises still available in 2017

Disney files permit to expand Caribbean Beach Resort

New plans have been filed that reveal a large expansion coming to Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort. From my reading of the permit filed it looks like Disney will replace many existing buildings in the Barbados village area of the resort with a single multistory building.… Read More »Disney files permit to expand Caribbean Beach Resort

Walt Disney World starts new marketing campaign

It’s that time of year again. Time for Walt Disney World to roll out a new marketing campaign. “The Magic is Endless” will be the theme for Disney’s marketing efforts starting this fall and into 2017. It showcases the entire Disney World vacation experience, including… Read More »Walt Disney World starts new marketing campaign