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Jungle Cruise, The Movie reports on the progress of two new Disney flix: A remake of Swiss Family Robinson and a new film based off Disney’s themepark attraction, The Jungle Cruise. Now since the theme of The Jungle Cruise was largely lifted from the African Queen, you’d think they would find some similarity there. But it looks to… Read More »Jungle Cruise, The Movie

Themepark Attendance Up

Forbes reports the yearly tally of attendance at major Themeparks worldwide. The numbers are up with the hurricanes having hardly any affect at all on the final tally for Disney World’s Magic Kingdom. Second Place is once again claimed by Disneyland.

Disney Governance News

Disney must be raking in the dough, so much that they upped this years dividend by $0.03 or 14% of last years dividend. Too bad there wasn’t any money in the coffers to give better health care benefits to their themepark workers. This is going to make all the investors feel warm in their tummies,… Read More »Disney Governance News

Disneyland: The Nickel Tour Update

Update: Looks like Amazon is out of stock on this item. I’ll try to find out if there is a supply of these books out there anywhere. The untimely death of David Mumford, one half of the authorship and part owner of Camphor Tree Publishing, has made these books quite scarce. It might be a… Read More »Disneyland: The Nickel Tour Update

Disney Store Deal Official

CNBC and Reuter’s has breaking news that Children’s Place and Disney have made official the deal transfering control of the stores to the children’s retailer. It’s a shame that the cast members who worked hard to make The Disney Stores magical are getting the short end of the stick here. For instance, employees of the… Read More »Disney Store Deal Official

Pirates Game of Life

Was finally able to get my hands on the latest Disney themed game from Milton Bradley. The Game of Life – Pirates of the Caribbean edition, is a fun game where you can spend a couple hours climbing the ranks of Pirate-dom, attacking other ships, and gathering loot. Our game with three players lasted just… Read More »Pirates Game of Life

Hong Kong Redux

The sloppily drawn contract between Disney and Hong Kong does not even have a clause preventing Disney from opening other parks in China. Also not mentioned in the press release are the massive cost over-runs due to dioxin in the soil at the Penny Bay site (and more besides from FoE) and the pollution problem… Read More »Hong Kong Redux

Disney Workers OK new Contract!

No. It’s not exit polls from Disneyworld workers who are voiting today, it’s the results from a similar contract vote at the original Disney themepark, Disneyland. According to this article in the OC Register, workers pointed their anger for higher healthcare costs at the healthcare industry and accepted higher health insurance rates in return for… Read More »Disney Workers OK new Contract!