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roy disney to close August 7th

Roy Disney has announced that, the website from which he led his charge to oust Eisner, will be shuttered as of August 7th. That’s a shame because there is plenty good reporting there. Many articles express the hopes and dreams of so many cast members, artists, fans, and scholars for the Walt Disney Company’s… Read More » to close August 7th

Roy Disney sell out or visionary?

At Scenes from a Hat Bigby wonders if Roy Disney sold out. He draws this list of items Roy himself said the company had to solve before Roy would end his campaign. 10 years of declining performance failing strategy lack of executive depth decline in working conditions and cast morale failure of ABC network failure… Read More »Roy Disney sell out or visionary?

Around the Horn on SaveDisney’s Announcement

A few choice quotes from around the horn: The revolt succeeded at the company’s annual meeting last year in Philadelphia, when 45 percent of the votes cast were withheld from Mr. Eisner and the board stripped him of his chairman’s title. Five months later, Mr. Eisner announced he would not renew his contract past 2006.New… Read More »Around the Horn on SaveDisney’s Announcement

Pixar Possibilities

According to the BBC, not only has Pixar tripled their sales they’re back in talks with the Disney Company now that Bob Iger is in and Eisner is out. Of course all that may be in jeopardy again as the ousted Disney board members (Roy Disney and Stanley Gold) sue to have the appointment overturned… Read More »Pixar Possibilities

No Choice Election 2005

With the CALpers administrator out the door, the search for a new CEO well underway (we hope), and Eisner’s departure scheduled for June 2005 (or shortly there after), there has been precious little news from Roy Disney’s campaign. And now we know why. It turns out they are mostly content with the changes that… Read More »No Choice Election 2005

Roy Disney goes Lame Duck hunting

Michael Eisner’s announcement that he intends to remain CEO for the next two years forces you to make a critical decision. Will you choose to let the Company drift for two more years – allowing the pall Mr. Eisner has cast to continue to drive the most talented and creative people away from Disney, erode… Read More »Roy Disney goes Lame Duck hunting

Now Sing…

The folks in Disney World management have laced up their Ursula costume and foisted a contract upon the unionized employees to sign. It was rejected by a large margin. An opening salvo in what looks to be a long dragged out negotiation between managment and the union.

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