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lost recap

Lost 5.11: Whatever Happened, Happened

Oh, Losties! Did you miss me? Did you even notice I was gone? I missed last week’s Lost episode (my promised Sayid episode) because I was on a Disney Cruise. Let’s all pause for a moment and let that deliciousness sink in. Ahhhh.

Now, back to Lost. I honestly wasn’t in love with last week’s episode. It seemed…I don’t know, boring. This week had the same feel—in that it was retro-Lost complete with honest-to-goodness flashbacks. But I liked it. Even being Kate-centric, I liked it. When that black screen o’Lost came up at the end, I said, “Are you kidding me?!” Like I read on twitter last night, “Lost is the shortest hour on television.” (or something like that—but ain’t it the truth?)

OK, let’s get to it. Even though this was a Kate episode, it was very character heavy. But, let’s start with Kate’s flashback…

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Lost 5.9: Namaste

Namaste. It’s one of those hippie yogi words that the Dharma Initiative uses as a greeting. And I think that’s exactly what this episode was—an intro into the second half of the season. This episode was just assembling our little cast into their positions so the war…or the epic…or the purge…or the cataclysmic event can take place.

Now, let’s find out how our Losties/Oceanic Six/Five/Dharma-ites are doing. I really wanted to go by character, but with so many new relationships happening, I was getting confused. So, I guess we’ll just have to go straight through. Or as straight as I can manage. Here we go…

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Lost 5.8: La Fleur

As much as I wanted to see a flashforward/back/present day story about Sayid…uhm, I don’t think there could be anything better than an Island story about Sawyer!! And it turned out better than I could have hoped—Sawyer is HAPPY. That’s all I’ve wanted–a happy Sawyer! The last scene has me a little worried about someone else’s happiness though. But we’ll get to that.

This is going to be a fun one to recap because there were only two main time periods. Imagine that. Well, actually, there was a brief scene…

Remember when Locke disappeared down the well? And the flash of light came leaving Sawyer holding a rope buried in the ground? We picked up our story here and once our soft-hearted Sawyer stopped trying to dig Locke out of the ground, Miles points out a giant statue in the distance—the 4-toed statue from Season 2. Only now it’s completely intact. And looks frighteningly Egyptian…possibly the body of a man, head of an animal—and maybe holding an ankh in each hand. But before they can contemplate this disturbing image further the biggest and worst flash of light occurs. They comment on how terrible it was and Juliet says, “Locke did it.” Which means the time skipping has stopped and little do they know they have landed in…

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Lost 5.7: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

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We didn’t get to see the rest of our Losties on the Island. We still don’t know where Rose and Bernard are. Yes, it’s been two weeks since a peek at Sawyer’s shirtless self. But oh, my goodness did I love last night’s episode! I’ve always been on Team Locke and I loved seeing every minute of Locke’s Jeremy Bentham story. There are two things I need to say first off—1)LOCKE IS ALIVE 2)Lost tricked us.

Yes, Lost tricked us. When we first heard about “Jeremy Bentham” they made it seem like our Oceanic Six had many dealings with him. That Jeremy Bentham was a name they spoke many times. And now I realize they did not. They had not. I guess that’s why I’ve been so surprised at how quickly they are back on The Island. I assumed “Jeremy Bentham” would have been off The Island for a longer period of time. Oh well, I guess it’s neither here nor there now. Enough of MY Jeremy Bentham story. Let’s get to the real Jeremy Bentham story!

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Lost 5.6: 316

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Oh my dear Losties! The first five episodes of this season have been great. They’ve tied up some theories we’ve all wondered about. They’ve answered some questions. They’ve sent us on some trajectories that made us actually (ok, possibly) see where this show is headed. But last night. OH, LAST NIGHT! I felt like last night was actually the season premiere. Last night we see our Losties get BACK ON THE ISLAND.

In fact, we begin with JACK’S EYE. (I can tell there will be lots of ALL CAPS today. Just bear with me. I could barely sleep last night I was so excited—or was that because my 4 month old woke up 3 times? Anywhoo.) Jack wakes up in the jungle. In a suit. And oh! I just knew we were seeing a flashback to Season 1. I had even heard rumors that the first scene of Season 1 was actually a flashback/forward to present day. Alas, I was wrong. (However, that would have been great!)

Jack hears Hurley calling for help. He runs into the jungle and finds Hurley and a guitar case drowning in a lagoon. After they realize they can stand, they see Kate unconscious on the edge of the water. They wake her up (how un-doctor-ly did that seem?) and she says, “Are we…?” Jack’s response, “Yeah…we’re back.”

Then the black screen o’lost and the text: FOURTY SIX HOURS EARLIER

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Lost 5.5: This Place Is Death

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Can I just say how delicious last night’s episode was?! I know there’s a little talk about Lost’s ratings being down–but I couldn’t love the show more! We’ve had four seasons of character driven craziness. I have fallen in love with all of our Losties (and even our baddies) and if Lindelof and Cuse bring us the freakiest sci-fi they can muster, I’ll still love it! If we had seen this time travel in season 1, the show would have never made it. But bringing it to us this late in the game is making sci-fi fans out of regular folk.

Anyway, I could crush on them all day. Let’s get to the episode! This one was remarkably straightforward as far as time goes, so let’s go by location, ok?

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Lost 5.4: The Little Prince

That is the last time I read spoilers! There were several significantly omgyouhavegottoebekiddingme scenes and I knew every one of them before they happened. Hmph. That’s what I get for reading TV Guide. Not that it made last night’s episode any less amazing…just less heart palpitations for me.

So we began with another peek into the Oceanic Six’s time on Penny’s boat, The Searcher. Kate is holding a sleeping Aaron and having a conversation with Jack. She decides she wants to keep Aaron because she can’t bear to lose anyone else. (She mentions SAWYER! And Jack immediately picks up on this…) Jack tells her that tomorrow he’s going to push everyone to lie when they get back. He creepily says, “I’m going to turn to you first. Are you with me?” And Kate replies (while dashing all my Sawyer reunion hopes aside), “I’ve always been with you.”

Now for the rest of the episode we’re jumping from The Island (which to our Losites feels just days after their friends went off in the helicopter) to the “real world” which has been three years for our Oceanic Six.

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Lost 5.3: JUGHEAD

I have absolutely no idea what happened on Lost last night. But I loved every minute! Time travel is one of my favorite devices and last night’s episode was chock-full of it. I’m pretty sure this is how the rest of this season will be. A confusing mass of skipping ahead and back and crossing over and under the time of the last four seasons! (Bad 1955 anyone?) So, let’s get right to it. I’m sure this recap will make no sense whatsoever but I’ll do the best I can.



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