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WonderGround Gallery July Artist in Residence is Amy Mebberson


There are a few Disney fan art creators who I feel Disney should scoop up immediately and mass produce their art. Amy Mebberson, of Pocket Princesses comic strip fame, is one of them. As it turns out, Mebberson actually does work for Disney. They’re not creating Pocket Princess vinylmation dolls at the moment, but they are doing the next best thing. She’ll be the artist in residence July 4 – July 20 at the WonderGround Gallery in Anaheim’s Downtown Disney District. Look for appearances on July 4-6, 11-13, 18 – 20 from 6-10p.m. each night.

I hope you’ll stop by and say hi to her for me when she’s at WonderGround.

Artist Bio and sample Pocket Princesses illustration below the jump:

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Grumpy Cat Spoils Every Disney Movie

Grumpy Cat, queen of the internet memes, has been frequently used as part of the Disney Parks #DisneySide promotions and helped open Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. There are even rumors that she has her claws sunk into a Hollywood script.

Before Hollywood comes calling, perhaps they want to look at how Grumpy Cat has ruined every Disney movie she’s already been in. Artist Eric Procter has imagined these scenarios over on his DeviantArt page.


More great moments below the jump:

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Frozen MMD – Thriller

MikuMikuDance has been around since 2008, but never has the freeware software animated something as cool as this. Ladies and Gentlemen, the cast of Disney’s Frozen dancing to Michael Jackson’s Thriller. You’ll never be able to unsee that.

Amazing Fan Tinker Bell Dream Photography

It’s been a while since we checked in with Duy Truong. Turns out he’s still making some amazing fan photography based on the original Dream Portrait series from Annie Leibovitz. Much of his art comes close to capturing the magic of the original series and… Read More »Amazing Fan Tinker Bell Dream Photography

Disney Princess Dr Who Mashup

Dr. Who Disney Princess Cosplay Mashup is Spot On

Artist Amy Mebberson who previously brought us amazing Dr. Who Muppets mashup and pens a weekly comic of Disney Princesss Fan Art is bringing her latest mashup to Comic-Con in NYC this week. It’s a clever take on Disney Princesses with each of them dressed… Read More »Dr. Who Disney Princess Cosplay Mashup is Spot On

Disney Villains Portraits

Thanks to artist Michael Regina for sending in a link to his four portraits of Disney Villains. I like this one of Gaston, but he’s also painted Scar, Ursula, and Jafar. I like how the paintings have an element of realism to them, but are… Read More »Disney Villains Portraits

Doctor Who and Duck Tales Mashup

I’m always happy when two of my loves come together and it is a lovely idea indeed to combine the two universes of Doctor Who and Duck Tales into one glorious poster titled “DocTales.” Starring: River Swan (who’s…actually a duck. WHATEVS), the Duckponds, and the… Read More »Doctor Who and Duck Tales Mashup