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Backyard Fun!

Walt Disney had one that you could ride. Thousands of families have one in the back yard. And it’s a hobby that is growing every day. Google Directory shows 188 clubs in the United States. Many of these backyard fantasy railroads have some elements of… Read More »Backyard Fun!

Open Letter to Disney Cast Members…

The well intentioned folks at have posted an open letter to Disney Cast Members. It hasn’t been a “Spoonful of Sugar” for our Cast Members at the Walt Disney Company. Animators and Imagineers have been laid off. Cast Members at the Disney Stores have… Read More »Open Letter to Disney Cast Members…

The Good, The Bad, and the

Another visitor reports on their trip to Walt Disney World. This time in a top ten list format. #1 is Orgasmic Key Lime Cheesecake. You would think Disney Marketing would be shouting out to the world about this.

Silent Protest

How do I love thee Disneyland, let me count the ways. I love that you were a part of my youth that can never be taken away. I love that you still provide someplace to retreat to when I need a break from the outside… Read More »Silent Protest

Godless Disney?

You know. I was just thinking about this the other day. After reading the Walt Disney conspiracy theories contained in Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code (you have read it haven’t you?), it occurred to me that hardly any religious references make it into Disney films.… Read More »Godless Disney?

Faster than a speeding ballot

Also note this update on the Florida High Speed Rail Project. Apparently the opponents have gotten an initiative on the ballot that would kill the project. Bad for Orlando if this passes ( An update on this post )

A Unionized Mouse

Two items on the union front today. First, and I don’t have a link for this yet, is news that Disneyland’s Security Department, which operates under a separate union from the hourly cast members, is picketing the park for unfair labor and negotiation tactics. They’re… Read More »A Unionized Mouse