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Mickey Mouse takes on the Nazis

I think a lot of people, myself included, forget that Mickey Mouse was once as big a comic book and cartoon strip star as he was a silver screen celebrity. Check out these 1940s era comics Where Mickey Mouse became a Nazi fighter. Speaking… Read More »Mickey Mouse takes on the Nazis

Whither Disney Comics?

Jeff Pepper has a great piece up this week. He looks at the state of Disney Comics (not Marvel comics) and what went wrong: The younger generation of today has largely abandoned the medium.  Let me clarify just slightly–the younger generation defined primarily as kids… Read More »Whither Disney Comics?

No Ordinary Family – Episode 1 Recap

Ed Note: Please welcome back Mark Baker who will be recapping No Ordinary Family on ABC the season (or as long as it lasts)…. When the new falls shows were being announced, the first one that caught my attention was ABC’s No Ordinary Family. While… Read More »No Ordinary Family – Episode 1 Recap

Princess Superheroes

Brodie is a illustrator, comedy writer, and Disney fan. He runs the excellent tribute site Brodie has decided to take on Disney’s Princess divas and re-imagine them as superheroes drawing inspiration from super-fashions of around the same time their animated movies came out. The… Read More »Princess Superheroes

Behind the Kirby Heirs Lawsuit against Disney/Marvel

When the Walt Disney Company purchased Marvel Entertainment, they acquired a lot more more than just the 5,000 characters in Marvel’s stable, they also found a slate of lawsuits hiding under that  rock. Not only will Disney likely end up suing some of the other… Read More »Behind the Kirby Heirs Lawsuit against Disney/Marvel

A Foolish view on Marvel and Disney

The Moteley Fool‘s Ric Munarriz has a look at how Disney can spin some gold from its acquisition of Marvel Entertainment. First, understand that the big Marvel names are all spoken for with long term contracts. So Disney won’t be able to get its hands… Read More »A Foolish view on Marvel and Disney