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A Break from Spring Break

With Spring Break officially in the record books now, I can report that we survived. Mostly by avoiding the parks when we could and by avoiding any of the major throughfares. A good idea, as Ken pointed out earlier in the comments: Disney World – Magic Kingdom was closed at least 3 days in a… Read More »A Break from Spring Break

Pic of CM only poster for Disneyland’s 50th Celebration

Steve has posted the latest Walt Disney World CM free gift. It’s a poster celebrating the 50 years of themepark dominence by the Walt Disney Company. Topped by the original park, Disneyland and including the four other locations around the world that Disney has expanded this concept. I note a few errors here. First Disneyland’s… Read More »Pic of CM only poster for Disneyland’s 50th Celebration

Easter at the MK

Yesterday I went to the Magic Kingdom with family in tow to see what Easter surprises the park had in store, aside from Easter colored balloons. Turns out they had a nice little pre-parade with Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny (who knew he was married? Guess those eggs have to come from somewhere.) Also sauntering… Read More »Easter at the MK

Readers rides small world soft opening

Reader Bill send in this report (with pictures) from his trip along the newly refurbished ‘it’s a small world’ attraction at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom. He was able to ride it on the first day it opened to the public. It’s a Small World opened up today @ 3:00pm.  We rode it around 10:30pm-ish.… Read More »Readers rides small world soft opening

Hope for Tomorrowland?

It is not the same land as I remember from long ago, no; “you can’t go home again", as they say.  But it is once again turning into a land of hope, exuding a spirit of optimism; not the same as it once was, but different. Mellie over at the excellent Golly Blog Howdy has… Read More »Hope for Tomorrowland?

Wow! What a trip it’s been

I’m back. Did you miss me? We took a few days longer getting across country than I had planned. Then to top it all off some of our house had to be loaded on a second truck and that truck was delayed by bad weather. But now my computer’s various parts are all assembled together… Read More »Wow! What a trip it’s been

Spring Break

Yeah, I know technically it’s not yet spring. But never the less I’m taking a vacation from blogging, email, and the like, until March 6th or 7th. Most of this time will be consumed with The Frost’s Great American Roadtrip ™ as we pick up from Las Vegas, NV (well Henderson really) and relocate to… Read More »Spring Break