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Godless Disney?

You know. I was just thinking about this the other day. After reading the Walt Disney conspiracy theories contained in Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code (you have read it haven’t you?), it occurred to me that hardly any religious references make it into Disney films.… Read More »Godless Disney?

Faster than a speeding ballot

Also note this update on the Florida High Speed Rail Project. Apparently the opponents have gotten an initiative on the ballot that would kill the project. Bad for Orlando if this passes ( An update on this post )

A Unionized Mouse

Two items on the union front today. First, and I don’t have a link for this yet, is news that Disneyland’s Security Department, which operates under a separate union from the hourly cast members, is picketing the park for unfair labor and negotiation tactics. They’re… Read More »A Unionized Mouse

The World is plum messed up

Pixar’s film, A Bug’s Life, is an allegory for how the oppressed can overcome their oppressors with a little help and a belief their cause is the right one. Apparently the Hamas believe the movie can help teach school age Palestinians how to become better… Read More »The World is plum messed up

The World on the Street

I grew up in and around Portland Oregon (learned to use computers at OMSI). So I like to keep my finger on the pulse of the city. The advent of Blogs have made that so much easier. Brandon keeps an interesting blog for those who… Read More »The World on the Street

Gone Fishin!!!

Growing up the daughter of an Imagineer must have some perks. Amazingly my mom never talked much about any perks. She did mention that she liked to go fishing along the Rivers of America. Yep. I had to look it up in The Nickel Tour,… Read More »Gone Fishin!!!

Walt Disney On Ice!

There’s a popular urban legend that Walt Disney had himself frozen before Lung Cancer claimed his last breath. It’s not true, of course. But that doesn’t stop people from speculating about his life, what his life might have become, or even what would happen if… Read More »Walt Disney On Ice!

That’s Incredible!

Another review of the Pixar Session at Comic-con, featuring Director Brad Bird of the Incredibles, and more details on exactly what was shown to the audience, this time from brings you a slightly irreverant, often insightful look at Movie News. A Good source… Read More »That’s Incredible!