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Will the next contestant please stand up?

The hollywood buzz machine had identified the CEO of Yahoo! as a potential replacement for Eisner. Terry Semel is not that far out of a choice, he helped run a movie studio for 20 years and brought a profitable diversity to its product range. At Yahoo! he has helped to do the same thing. Could… Read More »Will the next contestant please stand up?

Doobie’s Back!!!

Now that the hurricane’s appear to have left the Orlando area for a bit, things are getting back to normal for’s webmaster. As such he is back with his bi-monthly roundup of the latest changes, rumors, and new attractions at Disney’s American Themeparks. Go check it out!

What the heck… another hurricane?

What the heck? Hurricane Jeanne, a few days ago looked to be harmlessly destined to skirt the coast of florida a few hundred miles to the east, is now tracked to slam into central florida. I’m sure the last thing the residents of Florida, the businesses, themeparks, and resorts (such as Disney World and Sea… Read More »What the heck… another hurricane?

Movie Posters for Pixar’s The Incredibles

Empire Movie Reviews posts four posters for the upcoming Pixar flick “The Incredibles”. Movie opens November 5th. This movie is a little bit of a departure for Pixar. It steers away from the child friendly pictures like Toy Story, Finding Nemo, and Monster’s Inc., and toward movies made for the older children in the family… Read More »Movie Posters for Pixar’s The Incredibles

Eating Around the World with Doobie

Two of my best friends moved to Orlando last year. They happen to be the owners of, the best and friendliest site on the internet for Disney news, articles, disccusion boards, and trip planning. Doobie and Rebekah have found life as Florida Residents visiting the theme parks to be very different than the rushed… Read More »Eating Around the World with Doobie

Gay Days 2004 at Disneyland

This year’s great migration of the happiest people on earth to the happiest place on earth occurs October 1st through the 3rd. Gay Day 2004 is not sponsored by Disneyland, but Disney does make a ton of money off these 25,000 or so special guests and works with the event planners to make sure lots… Read More »Gay Days 2004 at Disneyland

Tigger’s Goofy Side (more on Tigger Suspension)

“Goofy is clways playful,” said Kaufman, who himself portrays characters at Disney part time and said he has played Goofy “hundreds of times.” “Of course he was goofing around because he was Goofy!” Kaufman said. … “That’s the joke about this,” Kaufman said. “You’re supposed to fool around, be animated. I knew for Michael it… Read More »Tigger’s Goofy Side (more on Tigger Suspension)

Working as an intern at Disney World

And hate it I did…for about three days. I hated being told I wasn’t scary. I hated being made fun of for my deep Southern accent. I hated the fact that I was a southern happy blonde with pigtails stuck in a dark damp Mansion. Then I gave it a chance. I realized I was… Read More »Working as an intern at Disney World