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Tigger’s Goofy Side (more on Tigger Suspension)

“Goofy is clways playful,” said Kaufman, who himself portrays characters at Disney part time and said he has played Goofy “hundreds of times.”
“Of course he was goofing around because he was Goofy!” Kaufman said.

“That’s the joke about this,” Kaufman said. “You’re supposed to fool around, be animated. I knew for Michael it would be tough for him to go back. I told him he would be a walking bull’s-eye.”

The Local10 Stations website has more details on the when and why of Michael Chartrand’s suspension. If you ask me, that bull’s-eye is looming large on Chartrand’s back. Just as before there is no way to prove or disprove these allegations. Unfortunately, Disney does not operate a court of law, just an invegstigation and then an arbitration hearing as required by union contracts.

My thoughts, give this poor guy a break. Or maybe an entry into the Federal Walk-Around Character Protection Program.