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Haunted Mansion Big Fig

Ever wanted to own your own Haunted Mansion? Don’t have $37,000 to secure a place inside for your tombstone? What would you consider the ultimate collectible for the Mansion? How about a bigfig? Big figures are the new collecting craze in the Disneyana field. These figures typically range 18 inches to 24 inches tall and… Read More »Haunted Mansion Big Fig

Disney Store Benefits

The most recent comment on the Disney Store thread by ‘Billy’ mentions the new status of Disney Discounts and Benefits that will be available to employees of The Disney Store now that they have been purchased by The Children’s Place. If Billy’s post is true, then it looks like The Disney Stores will end up… Read More »Disney Store Benefits

Winning Bidder buried at Haunted Mansion

Clay Sharp, the winning bidder for the honor of being the first guest ‘buried’ at Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion was entombed Thursday. His tombstone reads: Clay Doctor – Lawyer Legal Clerk Forever Buried in his work It will appear in the final section of the graveyard scene. LPWire has the full details.

Tom Sito on Frank Thomas

Frank left gently at the age of ninety-two surrounded by his family and friends. While it was not unexpected, it was a very emotional evening. Many tears were shed along with the laughs and reminiscences. Clips of his beautiful scenes from Lady and the Tramp, Bambi, Sleeping Beauty and The Sword in the Stone reminded… Read More »Tom Sito on Frank Thomas

College Program Interns

San Francisco State University has a cute fluff piece on the Walt Disney World College Program. There has been some complaining among the fan base and cast members that Disney World is relying too heavily on these interns using them to fill positions that might otherwise be filled by full time regular employees.

Disney Board Running Scared

You know when you’ve done something wrong and you’re hoping no one will find out, but you know that eventually they will, so you try and turn the tables in your favor stacking the deck for an ending you can tolerate. Well, the Disney Board of Directors is making the same moves right now. If… Read More »Disney Board Running Scared

Brad Bird Interview

As the opening weekend for The Incredibles draws nearer I hope to bring you more and more information on the film. For instance, has a great interview with director Brad Bird. It contains one minor spoiler, but don’t be afraid.