While some headlines out there are screaming about Disney World’s $5 price increase for a one day ticket, the real story is the unique customization that is available now. With the new a la carte pricing structure they call "Magic Your Way" Disney World has made the extended stay much more affordable. LaughingPlace.com has an easy to follow chart with the new pricing options. Everything goes into effect on Jan. 2, 2005.
The new system isn’t really much more complicated than the old system. It will require more advanced planning on the vacationer’s part. So talking with a travel expert, visiting an online Disney fan site, or DisneyWorld.com becomes more important. It is possible that someone won’t understand the system fully and be suprised by the extra charges for park hopping, non-expiration date, etc. I’m sure Disney is counting on a little of this to pad their profit margin.
Read More »Disneyworld Lowers Prices, Complicates Matters.