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Keep an eye open for the new Disney World President, Meg Crofton

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As has become the tradition for incoming resort Presidents, the first few weeks includes a tour of the parks and the occaisional stint on the front lines as a cast member, in costume and everything. So keep an eye open for the new Disney World President Meg Crofton around the parks and resorts. She might… Read More »Keep an eye open for the new Disney World President, Meg Crofton

Bring back the Peoplemover?

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1978 • Peoplemover, originally uploaded by Effie3. Disneyland’s Tomorrowland used to be a land that was ‘always on the move.’ Then the underfunded, poorly executed, management controlled, remodel of 1998 happened and slowly Tomorrowland came to a halt. First the Peoplemover, one of the attractions brought over from the 1964 World’s Fair, was replaced by… Read More »Bring back the Peoplemover?

More on Meg Crofton, new WDW President

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A bit more on Meg Crofton the new President of Walt Disney World. Crofton, the fourth executive to lead Walt Disney World since it opened in 1971, is also the first female to hold that position. She is not however, the first woman president of a Disney Resort, that honor went to Cynthia Harriss, who… Read More »More on Meg Crofton, new WDW President

Eric Goldberg returns to Disney, the Interview

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With the return of John Lasseter to Walt Disney Feature Animation, the gates opened up for some of Disney’s animators who were either forced out or quit in desparation to return to the fold. Eric Goldberg is one of those animators and we’re lucky to have him back. Animated-News sat down with Goldberg in April… Read More »Eric Goldberg returns to Disney, the Interview

Sad Passing, Tony Jay voice actor

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I’m a little suprised this isn’t getting more news coverage. Tony Jay (IMDB, Wikipedia) died on August 13th from complications while recovering from surgery. He was best known for his voice work in animation and computer games, but was also a Legendary Royal Shakespeare Actor and a Broadway fan. I first encountered his amazing voice… Read More »Sad Passing, Tony Jay voice actor

Breaking News: Disney announces new President of the Walt Disney World Resort

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Meg Gilbert Crofton, a 27-year Disney veteran, was just announced as the new President of Walt Disney World. This position remained unfilled since Al Weiss was promoted to lead Global Operations for all Disney Parks and Resorts. "Thanks to Meg’s leadership, we’ve made great strides in creating a world-class HR organization that is focused on… Read More »Breaking News: Disney announces new President of the Walt Disney World Resort

LOST: the first six episodes

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Listening to the LOST Q&A session at Comic-con, via Jay and Jack’s excellent webcast, was when I first heard about the 6/17 episode division. It’s essentially two mini-seasons of episodes with the first one being more like a mini-series that has its own story arc, reveals, and cliffhanger. Bob at TVSquad must have heard the… Read More »LOST: the first six episodes