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More on Meg Crofton, new WDW President

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A bit more on Meg Crofton the new President of Walt Disney World. Crofton, the fourth executive to lead Walt Disney World since it opened in 1971, is also the first female to hold that position. She is not however, the first woman president of a Disney Resort, that honor went to Cynthia Harriss, who served as the Disneyland Resort President from 1999 to 2004. Harriss now is President of The Gap.

The Orlando Sentinel comments on how Meg Crofton appears to have come from no where to lead the largest employer in Orlando.

Many Central Florida business and civic leaders were at a loss to comment on her promotion. Several, including Universal Orlando President Bob Gault and Orange County Mayor Rich Crotty, said they didn’t know her.

"I have heard the name, but I honestly couldn’t tell you where [which department] she came from," said Donna-Lynn Dalton, a Disney union leader.

It’s funny because an HR executive works hard to make sure their name stays out of the news. If their job is done well, they’re hardly noticed at all. Meg Crofton must have done a fabulous job.

Finally, Susan Strother Clarke‘s column details some of the challenges that await the new WDW President.

2 thoughts on “More on Meg Crofton, new WDW President”

  1. I want to call your attention to the unfortunate idea of having all those marble walls by Epcot’s entrance! It reminds a war memorial and is grotesque to welcome visitors. I heard it from more than one person! Place them at the side walls, please! Also, placing names on tiles on the floor… they are worn out and ugly, and people step over those names daily! What do these names engraved on the floor also remind everyone? The campaign of leaving a landmark was excellent, however its outcome was a total disaster!!! Please do something to improve it!!!!!!!!!

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