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Walt Disney World Questions and Review Site

Walt Disney World is rolling out another one of its social media efforts. This time is the beta version of the long rumored user generated content review and question site. Fans with a free account at can review Resort Hotels, Attractions, and Dining options… Read More »Walt Disney World Questions and Review Site

Thoughts on ABC Upfronts, How the Fall Season is Shaping Up


Well hey howdy hey everyone! I have recently been a stranger around these parts, but now that my AP exams are done, I am ready to get back into the swing of things! So expect an announcement for the next Live Tweet soon, but right now, we are in the midst of new TV shows being announced, and ABC has put together a very interesting line-up for the 2013-14 season! I just wanted to give my thoughts on what I am looking forward to for the new season and reminiscing on this past one. Let’s get started!

  • Scandal…WHAT THE WHAT?! The show has been known to push the boundaries of crazy (in the best way possible), but that cliffhanger was a doozy. The show did just what us loyal Gladiators want, amazing tension, fantastic characters, and plot points that are so crazy, they make you rewind on the DVR. What were your thoughts on the finale…cause it was BONKERS!
  • First season of Revenge was superb, crazy dramatics mixed in with some Emily Thorne badassery and Victoria Grayson awfulness made the show a guilty pleasure that was more pleasure then guilt. Then the 2nd season came and it made a small nosedive. The Initiative?! HUH!? I dropped the show right around January, not only because of school work (the reason I dropped Nashville, though I intend to catch up this summer!), but because the show skewed TOO cuckoo for me. I have heard the season finale was fantastic, so let me know your thoughts, but I’m not sure if I should catch up or leave it dead in the water, like an Amanda Clarke imposter. (HEY-OOO!)
  • Once Upon A Time…In Wonderland is a very enticing pilot from the writers of Once Upon A Time (I know…SHOCKER) that takes a semi-dark look at the story of Alice, this time with her being convinced it is a vision as she is put through the ringer to get it abolished via an insane asylum’s tactics. The spin on the story and the actors/effects look great, but I am hesitant only because it is a OUAT spin-off. I dropped the show at the beginning of season 2 due to its flip-flopping nature of 1 great episode, then 2 awful and boring ones, continuing the cycle throughout the season. I will still give the show a try, but I won’t be sticking around long if it has the OUAT curse.Read More »Thoughts on ABC Upfronts, How the Fall Season is Shaping Up

Star Wars Weekends In Full Force at Disney’s Hollywood Studios


Just returned from an evening of fun at Star Wars Weekends over at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. I don’t have time to write a full report this morning, but here are a few highlights. I arrived to late for most of the festivities, but was able to get into Darth’s Mall and catch the new Hyperspace Hoopla. Lots of great merchandise this year, both for the event and fresh from Star Wars too. There was a 10-minute queue just to get in to the store, then if you wanted photos, special merchandise, or a D-Tech figure, there were even more lines. Crazy.

t-shirt-1Read More »Star Wars Weekends In Full Force at Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Betrayal on ABC Hitching Itself to Revenge’s Coattails.

Betrayal has been announced for ABC’s fall schedule on Sunday night. It will hitch itself to Revenge’s coattails and hope for the best. Judging by this sizzle trailer for the show, it shouldn’t have that hard a time capturing the same audience. It started with… Read More »Betrayal on ABC Hitching Itself to Revenge’s Coattails.

Downtown Disney Changes – A Quick Photo Update

According to Disney construction was to have officially started on Disney Springs in early May. It’s now mid-month, so I set off to see what visible evidence there was of the pending transformation. Turns out not much. But there is a bit new at Downtown Disney since my last swing through, so I do have something to share with y’all.

Walls have gone up in the former comedy warehouse area of pleasure island.

Walls have gone up in the former comedy warehouse area of pleasure island.

Get used to seeing these everywhere soon

Get used to seeing these everywhere soon

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