Today’s Videopolis is a marvelous cover of the beautiful “married life” segment of Pixar’s animated masterpiece “Up,” composed by Michael Giacchino. It comes from flutist Gina Luciani who performs six different Flute tracks to make her one woman cover. I recognize the piccolo, a classic flute, alto flute, and a bass flute in the piece. Am I missing anything?
It’s a very clever cover, I wish it went longer.
Luciani has a masters degree in Flute and has performed with groups as diverse as the Hollywood Chamber Orchestra and the Wu-Tang Clan. She has a growing YouTube channel where she posts covers of songs and helps other artists hone their craft.
Videopolis is a regular series here on The Disney Blog where we cover musicians and other artists who are sharing their talents with a Disney related video. If you spot a video we haven’t posted here on the blog, please Submit a Tip!
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