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Princess Leia footage okayed for Star Wars Episode IX says Carrie Fisher family

Rogue One was the first Star Wars movie to not be considered part of the Skywalker family sago of trilogies. The ending of it featured a CG model recreation of Princess Leia as we all remember her from the first Star Wars movie (said to be the most labor intensive shot of any film ever). Sadly, Carrie Fisher, who played the iconic rebel princess, died in December of 2016. Fisher had completed filming of Episode VIII – The Last Jedi, but work had not yet begun on Episode IX. This left Disney and Lucasfilm with a bit of a quandary as to how to proceed.

We now know that General Leia will be in Episode IX. The Fisher family has given Lucasfilm and Disney permission to use already filmed footage of Carrie Fisher as General Leia Organa to finish the trilogy. Disney had previously stated there are no plans to digitally recreate Fisher as Leia for Episode IX, so it’s unlikely that there will be another CG Princess Leia but it’s comforting to know we will see the iconic Star Wars heroine again.

According to a story in the New York Daily News, Fisher’s brother Todd Fisher said that he and Carrie Fisher’s daughter Billie Lourd both agreed that the best way to honor Carrie would be for her to appear in Episode IX. He said, “Both of us were like, ‘Yes, how do you take her out of it?’ And the answer is you don’t… I think the legacy should continue.”

It’s believed that the character of General Leia was originally going to play a larger role in Episode IX than she will in Episode VIII – The Last Jedi. What we don’t know is how Lucasfilm will change the story to accommodate Fisher’s death. The previously captured film could be used to give her a poignant goodbye, or set her off on a journey where her death occurs off-screen.

We hope that director Colin Trevorrow will give her a quiet, but dignified goodbye that also means something in the Star Wars Skywalker saga. It would be best if they could capture something of Fisher’s famous sense of humor.

How would you like Lucasfilm and Disney to deal with Carrie Fisher’s death? Should she be in Episode IX t all?

3 thoughts on “Princess Leia footage okayed for Star Wars Episode IX says Carrie Fisher family”

  1. “…going to play a larger role in Episode IX – The Last Jedi.”

    I thought Episode VIII was The Last Jedi, and that Episode IX had not been given a name yet. Am I remembering this wrong?

  2. Pingback: Carrie Fisher won't be in Star Wars Episode IX after all | The Disney Blog

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