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An evening with Disney animation director Rich Moore

Last summer I had the privilege of attending a Filmmaking Residency at CalArts (essentially Disney University), which included a fantastic guest speaker appearance by Rich Moore, co-creator of Zootopia, Wreck-It Ralph, and many others. Since “Zootopia” is now an Oscar-winning film (and Moore an Oscar-winning filmmaker), I figured now would be a good time to share the footage I took that night on The Disney Blog.

The whole talk was very entertaining and educational! It was fascinating to hear someone whose work I respect so much, from the early seasons of The Simpsons to his present-day Disney stuff, fill us in on how he found success (as well as tell some hilarious stories).

Highlights include:

  • Rich’s meteoric rise to becoming an animation god
  • When Ralph Bakshi cried at the end of Fantasia
  • Imagineer Bob Winquist’s shrine to Marilyn Monroe
  • When Rich missed out on a job at Pixar so he could throw pizza boxes out a window
  • The development of Zootopia

And much more!

Have you ever considered a career in filmmaking or animation? What did you think of Moore’s talk?

Pick up the Oscar winning animated feature Zootopia from Amazon today. A portion of your purchase goes to support The Disney Blog. Thank you.

(photo courtesy GB/Disney)