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100 Days of Star Wars Trivia – Day 78: Frozen


Day 78:

If that whole “Frozen” thing doesn’t work out in EPCOT’s Norway pavilion they can retheme it to the planet Hoth from “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.” Scenes on the ice planet of Hoth were partially filmed on location at the Hardangerjøkulen glacier in Norway. The production was seriously delayed by minus-20 degree weather and severe winds that were part of the worst storm to hit the region in 50 years. Rather than risk the crew’s safety, some insert shots (such as Luke running across the snow to escape the Wampa) were filmed from the entrance of their hotel.

In the 100 days of Star Wars trivia series, we share 100 unique facts about the Star Wars franchise as we count down the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens on December 18, 2015.