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New ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ international trailer reveals expanse of First Order


For Star Wars fans who can’t wait to learn more about the upcoming film from Director J.J. Abrams, news from the secured set has been tantelizingly sparse. However, now that international trailers are rolling out, we are treated to a new scene or two.

The “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Korean trailer below is just 30-seconds but it contains a pair of new shots, including the opening wide-pan over an army of First Order stromtroopers. This is a reverse shot of one of the scenes we’ve already seen. So not that new, but the size of the army certainly makes the First Order seem like a formidable opponent.

Just 131 days until December 18th and the premier of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” One a scale of 1 to 11, with 11 being Out of the Galaxy, how excited are you about this return of Star Wars universe to the big screen?

6 thoughts on “New ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ international trailer reveals expanse of First Order”

  1. Everything we have seen so far leads us to believe that the attention has been given to making these films as gritty and real as IV, V, and VI. Abrams rarely falls short of my high expectations. And the success of these films will lead to wonderful changes in parks!

  2. I’m trying to be cautious in my optimism, but really, on a scale of 1 to 11, my excitement level is 87.

  3. I love being invited to Georges sandbox again, you kidding me…11 x Infinity
    JJ’s gotta be having the time of his life, I’m thinkin were gonna have some fun too ! Count me IN !

  4. Pingback: List of upcoming films from Disney | The Disney Blog

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