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New Winnie The Pooh Trailers with funny Harry Potter Parody

Following the same general idea of the parody trailers that we’ve seen with The Muppets, Disney’s crack marketing team has released two Winnie the Pooh trailers spoofing the Harry Potter movies.

Very cute. But I’m not sure this will be quite as effective as the Muppet trailers. What do you think?

16 thoughts on “New Winnie The Pooh Trailers with funny Harry Potter Parody”

  1. Pingback: The Disney Blog

  2. Pingback: Josh Hansin

  3. Pingback: Alltop Disney

  4. I don’t think they work with Pooh like they do with the Muppets. The Muppets are known for humor and satire, whereas Pooh is known for fluff and having very little brain. It feels like Disney tried too hard on this one.

  5. Pingback: The Disney Blog

  6. Pingback: bruno

  7. Pingback: The Disney Blog

  8. Pingback: Denise/Mousesteps

  9. Marketing 101: Never ever make any references to the market leader – people do not remember your product, but only that of your competitor if asked which adds they have seen.

  10. Ha! Those are funny. Having a 10 year old daughter who is a huge Pooh & Potter fan, she’s been conflicted as to what movie to see first. It’s like these videos were made just for her.

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