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November 2008

Urban Street Art meets Mickey Mouse for good cause

We’ve always known there is a bit of a dark side to Mickey Mouse. Usually he was just being his mischievous self, but sometimes, as in Runaway Brain, he seemed like a completely different mouse. Okay. Maybe he was a completely different mouse. But he’s… Read More »Urban Street Art meets Mickey Mouse for good cause

2009 Worldwide Disney Park Ambassadors go back to where the magic began

As part of a recently started tradition for 43-year history of the Disney Ambassador program, the worldwide 2009 Disney Park Ambassador team gathered for a week of training at the Disneyland Resort. Each of the eight Ambassadors pictured above represent the five Disney Resort locations… Read More »2009 Worldwide Disney Park Ambassadors go back to where the magic began

Interview with Pixar Director Agnus MacLane

If you’re like me and wondered while you were watching WALL•E in the theater you wondered what happened to that repair robot who got locked out of the AXIOM when EVE and WALL•E flew in, then you’ll get a real kick out of BURN•E.

Below the cut you’ll find the transcript from a recent roundtable discussion with Director Agnus MacLane.

Previously: My Review of BURN•E, WALL-E on Amazon.
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Bolt Previews have begun

A couple early reviews of Disney’s upcoming animated feature BOLT! have begun to leak out. Obviously you’ll want to avoid them to remain spoiler free. But here are some summary thoughts. Jerry at CartoonBrew recommends you see it: I really enjoyed the film – especially… Read More »Bolt Previews have begun

Disney Partners with Verizon for In Park Facts and Fun

I’ll start by saying I’m not in favor of platform dependent services when it comes to mobile or wireless internet services. That said, I understand that this is the way things get built at Disney Parks. You have a great idea, you find a partner, and then you work with them to make it a win-win for both sides. Hopefully the guests get something good out of it too.

So what’s the big deal coming to the U.S. based Disney theme parks? How about a park guide with real time information on your mobile phone? It’s about time, I say. The ability to know how long a queue is without having to walk to the attraction yourself is practically invaluable to the Disney park goer. Finding last minute dining reservations, special deals, interactive games and adventures, and so much more offers to enrich the theme park experience dramatically.

Beginning next year, guests will be able to access an array of features on their Verizon Wireless phones while at the Walt Disney World or Disneyland Resort to help them make the most of their Disney experiences. Planned services include an exclusive mobile application that will give guests with Verizon Wireless service the ability to easily locate shows, restaurants and the Disney characters anywhere inside the Parks; get real-time attraction availability information; access mobile games; receive messages from characters and more. Verizon Wireless is also continuing to invest in its wireless network from coast to coast, and the relationship with Disney means the wireless users will benefit from further enhancements to the Verizon Wireless network in the Parks.

Verizon gets access to millions of Disney guests each year and a good chance of converting frequent theme park visitors to their service. I hope they’ll also offer ‘test’ units to those who don’t currently have Verizon as a provider. If it’s cool and useful, it might be enough to make me switch. Any current Verizon Wireless users want to chime in with your experiences?

The full press release is below the cut:

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