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Best Disneyana Convention

If you’re planning on being at Disneyland for its birthday celebration this July, why not come a little early and enjoy the best Disneyana Convention around. NFFC ( probably has a chapter near you, but even if they don’t you can join for just $24. The Walt Disney Company has been going out of its… Read More »Best Disneyana Convention

New Laughing Place Magazine

Disney themeparks around the world are now flooded with signage and merchandise (see the LaughingPlace Store for the best selection) to honor Disneyland’s 50th anniversary. But the one collectible publication everyone will need this year isn’t even produced by the Walt Disney Company. Nope. It’s issue two of the new magazine Tales from the Laughing… Read More »New Laughing Place Magazine

Pic of CM only poster for Disneyland’s 50th Celebration

Steve has posted the latest Walt Disney World CM free gift. It’s a poster celebrating the 50 years of themepark dominence by the Walt Disney Company. Topped by the original park, Disneyland and including the four other locations around the world that Disney has expanded this concept. I note a few errors here. First Disneyland’s… Read More »Pic of CM only poster for Disneyland’s 50th Celebration

Miramax Brothers lose name, jobs, gain freedom

According to the LA Times the Weinstein brothers and the Walt Disney Company has agreed to the details of their upcoming split. Sadly the brothers will have to give up the name that was derived from the names of their parents. I’m sure they’ll get over it. Hundreds of other company founders have. Miramax will… Read More »Miramax Brothers lose name, jobs, gain freedom

Interview with the next CEO

The AP has an interesting interview with Bob Iger, the designated next CEO of The Walt Disney Company. Iger appears to be focused on making both sides of the Disney legacy debate happy with his comments. So I wouldn’t read too much into this. His actions will speak louder than his words. For instance, if… Read More »Interview with the next CEO

Disney at Conservative Convention

One of the few major corporations to have a presence at the Conservative Policatical Action Committee (CPAC) Convention, The Walt Disney Company is pressing to have its stance on banning peer-to-peer technology accepted by the far right. Radley at thinks Disney should be careful with whom they sleep. The same group just came out… Read More »Disney at Conservative Convention

Truth or Rumor? Air Force and Disney at war?

The Walt Disney Company is suing the U.S. Air Force over the design of a new space badge. At least that’s the latest Disney oriented rumor posted at the web’s number one clearinghouse for rumors, Is it true or false? Or does this idea just go to infinity and beyond?

No Choice Election 2005

With the CALpers administrator out the door, the search for a new CEO well underway (we hope), and Eisner’s departure scheduled for June 2005 (or shortly there after), there has been precious little news from Roy Disney’s campaign. And now we know why. It turns out they are mostly content with the changes that… Read More »No Choice Election 2005