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the lion king

Disney’s Top Animated Features, an online community for teens and twenty somethings, has posted their top ten list of Classic Disney Animated Films. The Lion King rules the roost beating out some of the more recent films including those by Pixar. Here’s the total list:     Bolt’s Top 10 Animated Movies     1.  The Lion King… Read More »Disney’s Top Animated Features

J.K. Rowling, the anti-Disney?

Perry at Samizdata ponders about the constitution of children and why they’re often treated with kid gloves by Disney while J.K. Rowling appears happy to kill one off everynow and then. To this I say Rubbish. More Disney films feature the loss of one or both parents then I care to count. If the parent… Read More »J.K. Rowling, the anti-Disney?

Lion King at Paris Disneyland

Paris Disneyland has had its troubles recently. The second gate is underbuilt, its debt load makes it nearly impossible to operate in the black, and there is some evidence the tight fisted management policies beginning to drive away the tourist. It used to be that once you got someone to the park, they were overwhelmed… Read More »Lion King at Paris Disneyland

Disney Roundup: III

Checking out the top Disney Fan Websites, here are a few of the stories and updates that have been written in the last week: Doobie, from, checks in with his periodic LP Report concerning news and rumors from Disneyland and Disney World., has posted a half dozen excellent updates on the latest construction… Read More »Disney Roundup: III

An Animation Rennaissance

Ever since The Lion King broke box office records and won a plethora of awards, pundits have predicted the rebirth of America’s love with animation. Indeed where we had 1 major studio with an animation department (well 1.5 if you include Don Bluth Animation) we… Read More »An Animation Rennaissance