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Real D

Tea time? Yes, I’ll have a spot.

I’ll bet you can’t guess the largest and fastest growing segment of sales for the Walt Disney Company. Yes, it’s the pre-teens and tweens and their passion for Disney Princess regalia. So Disney’s latest release ‘ The Princess Diaries 2 ‘ fits right in with that demographic. Sue Kruse reports on a special program at… Read More »Tea time? Yes, I’ll have a spot.

Disneyland Secret

I’d like to thank my readership (all thirteen of you) for your patience and continued patronage while I ran off to Southern California for my son’s first birthday. It was wonderful thanks in large part to the excellent planning by my incredible wife. We even managed to make it to Disneyland for a little RnR… Read More »Disneyland Secret

Sparky’s folly?

The LA Times reminds us that all is not so rosy at Dreamworks. There is speculation that the a deadline to pay back investors, specifically Paul Allen’s $650 Million investment, is the real drive to go split. “This deadline has been looming for two years… Read More »Sparky’s folly?