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pirates of the caribbean

Pirates Of The Caribbean MMORPG Free Trial This Weekend

Have you been waiting to try out Disney’s Pirates Of The Caribbean MMORPG, but didn’t want pay for the full version without getting a taste of it first, well batten down the hatches, cause this weekend is the perfect storm. While PotC has always had… Read More »Pirates Of The Caribbean MMORPG Free Trial This Weekend

Disney’s Pirates Of The Caribbean MMORPG looks to grow

The Walt Disney Company hasn’t released any official numbers, but the MMORPG tracking site MMOGChart estimates that Disney’s Pirates Of the Caribbean online game has about 10,000 active players. It’s a good number, but not impressive in an age when video games are outselling their… Read More »Disney’s Pirates Of The Caribbean MMORPG looks to grow

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End

After a few aborted attempts to see the film earlier, I finally saw Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End yesterday. There were only three showings at the Pleasure Island AMC yesterday but the theater was more than half full. So there is still some life in the salty old sea legs of that Pirate.… Read More »Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End

Real life Treasure Hunt interupts promotion for Disney’s Pirates Of the Caribbean film.

Odyssey Exploration divers working with the Disney/Volvo treasure hunt promotion found a real sunken shipwreck laden with treasure while scouting locations to hid the treasure chest that was part of the Volvo contest. They temporarily named the new location the ‘Black Swan’  Due to scavenge laws, confidentiality agreements with Volvo, and other twists the location… Read More »Real life Treasure Hunt interupts promotion for Disney’s Pirates Of the Caribbean film.

Graham Hopper of Disney Interactive Studios speaks

Graham Hopper, executive VP and general manager at Disney Interactive Studios, has an interview at GameSpot. The company recently changed it’s name from Buena Vista Games and has been responsible for many of your favorite Disney video games and some more recent ones like ‘Spectrobes’ and the new Pirates Of The Caribbean games the reason… Read More »Graham Hopper of Disney Interactive Studios speaks

I don’t want to start any blasphemous rumors…

Q:  I’ve heard many times, from varied sources, that Walt Disney was cryonically frozen and put into storage under The Pirates of the Caribbean ride in Disneyland. Can you speak to this? A: Yes, I can. I don’t know how such wild stories get started. There is absolutely no truth to this. That fact is… Read More »I don’t want to start any blasphemous rumors…

Keep To The Code: POTC

Getting excited about the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean sequel? I Know I am. So I was doubly excited to find, an unofficial fan site that is keeping tabs on the movie’s progress. (Warning: Some rollover soundeffects may make this NSFW)