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Disney’s Animal Kingdom Welcomes Baby Elephant

Exciting news from Disney’s Animal Kingdom in Orlando, FL. (thanks!) “In the same way that people prepare their homes for a newborn baby, the staff at Disney’s Animal Kingdom took steps to “baby proof” the elephant habitat to ensure that there were no hazards… Read More »Disney’s Animal Kingdom Welcomes Baby Elephant

One CM at WDW

Meet Dustin. Dustin is a Cast Member at Epcot. He’s part of the College Program and he has a blog. I’m fascinated by the experiences of everyday Cast Members. How do they motivate themselves everyday? What kind of jobs do they enjoy? What don’t they like about their work? etc…. I personally have never worked for the mouse, but I would like to someday when the timing is right. So in the meantime, I follow a number of these online journals placed out there for the world to read by Disney Cast Members.

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