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Miyazaki Howls!

Miyazaki story boarded his films by himself. I have collected the Japanese DVDs where you can step in between Miyazaki’s story boards and the final film. To my surprise they look almost exactly the same. Same timing, same posing, almost the same drawings, just cleaned up a bit. You can’t say that about most animated… Read More »Miyazaki Howls!

Breaking Star Tours News…

Coming Soon! reports from "Celebration III" the Star Wars fan convention, that George Lucas has confirmed Star Tours will be getting a new film at Disney/MGM Studios. Don’t know if this will come to Disneyland immediately or not. I guess the next question is will the attraction vehicles be outfitted with new digital projection technology.… Read More »Breaking Star Tours News…

It Came from Emeryville

Chad over at Digital Dream Machine links to some great illustrations by Pixar artisan Ricky Nierva. In doing so, Chad also includes this great bit of trivia from Stop Motion Master Ray Harryhausen: the creature in It Came From Beneath The Sea featured only 6 appendages, not only to save on production costs, but also… Read More »It Came from Emeryville

50 years of Disneyland sounds

In case you’ve been in a closet somewhere for the past 12 months, then you might not know it’s Disneylands 50th Birthday this year. Celebrations are set to kick off on May 4th with a huge press event (sorry folks, Disneyland is closed to the general public on the 4th) and a second event for… Read More »50 years of Disneyland sounds

When Did Dinosaurs Roam The Earth?

If you answer they roam the earth today. Then you are correct. has captured rare footage of a completely untethered, unleashed, Dinosaur being introduced to the throngs of tourists at Disney’s Animal Kingdom in Orlando. Don’t worry it’s not bioengineering, this Dinosaur won’t break loose of its pen and eat the guests. No, Lucky… Read More »When Did Dinosaurs Roam The Earth?

One eye on the future

To stay ahead of the pack they say you have to keep one eye on the future and one eye on the competition. If you want the best info on DreamWorksSKG then you can’t do much better than the DreamWorks SKG Fansite. This site has the latest news, upcoming releases, and the occaisional editorial.  For… Read More »One eye on the future


CNN picks up the story of Jim Hill’s booting from Disneyland as a result of his rogue tours. More bad publicity for Disney. (Update: btw, just thought I’d point out that Jim Hill is technically not a blogger but is in fact online magazine. CNN calling Jim a blogger has erked some people.) Meanwhile Jim… Read More »Roundup

Disneyland’s itching for more bad publicity

Cory at BoingBoing links to another story of a ‘rogue’ tour guide, this time author and Disneyland historian Dave Koenig, being asked not to give tours on Disney property. Does Disneyland really need all this bad publicity? Who is making the decisions up there, Goofy? I agree that Disney has the right to control tour… Read More »Disneyland’s itching for more bad publicity