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Disney’s Vero Beach Swamped by Frances

Disney’s Vero Beach Resort, part of the Timeshare Disney Vacation Club, was seriously swamped by Hurricane Frances and is now closed for repairs. The time-share resort features a large main building that overlooks the beach, with less than a football field’s worth of vegetated dunes and sand separating it from the open sea where Frances… Read More »Disney’s Vero Beach Swamped by Frances

Legend Lost

Frank Thomas, one of Walt Disney’s Nine Old Men and a legend of animation has passed on. was notified by the family that Thomas died last night. The Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Bambi, Thumper, Captain Hook, The Queen of Hearts, Flora, Fauna, Merriweather, Ichabod, Stepmother, Pongo, Perdita, Tramp, Lady, Jock, Mad Madam Mim, Baloo, King… Read More »Legend Lost

WDW Overhead Photos from 1979

More amazing photos from the same guy who brought you the 1980 photos. This time about 30 aerial shots taken from a helicopter. Some amazing detail here. Post 9/11 rules make it nearly impossible to get this kind of tour again.

Hurricane Ivan visits Disney World?

It’s hard to predict with much certainty where a hurricane will hit more than a few hours in advance. But forecasters have gotten pretty good a projecting the possible path upto five days out. If you anywhere near this path that means it’s time to prepare. This is something Floridians know all too well this… Read More »Hurricane Ivan visits Disney World?

The Street’s View

Wall Street is like the nosy neighbor always chiming in with their view whether it is wanted or not. Analysts (read “Fortune Tellers”) have made their views known with little or no reaction in Disney’s stock price resulting from the twin Hurricanes. Two storms is barely a blip on the radar for the Walt Disney… Read More »The Street’s View

Children’s Place buys The Disney Stores

Update: Correction. These rumors are just regarding the letter of intent. No final contract has been signed. My bad Word is leaking out the the sale has gone through, or will shortly. Thus marks the end of a long chapter in the Walt Disney Company that was at one time both it’s biggest success and… Read More »Children’s Place buys The Disney Stores

150 WDW Photos from 1980

An amazing collection of 150 photos from Walt Disney World in 1980. This is prior to EPCOT, MGM, or DAK. So you’re really seeing the last months when all the attention was lavished on the Magic Kingdom, not shared with other properties. (Thanks DonickCo!)

Disney Cruise Unable to Port

Here’s a little bit of interesting news. The storm surge from Frances pushed so much sand into Port Canaveral it reduced the depth to a level that the larger ships can no longer pass through the entry channel into the port. None of the larger ships including the Cost Guard and all of the cruise… Read More »Disney Cruise Unable to Port