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Haunted Mansion in 3-D

With Halloween just a few weeks away, it’s time to prepare those graveyards and spooky tributes to Disney’s famous Haunted Mansions. Ray Keim has created an online step by step resource for those who wish recreate the mansion on their computer in glorious 3-D. I love this amazing image of Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion covered in… Read More »Haunted Mansion in 3-D

ABC Lost? or Found?

BusinessWeek has a story on the new fall season for ABC and how two new programs might show signs of a turn around for the struggling network. Me personally, I gave up watching Alias last season, but started watching Extreme Makeover: House Edition. I have the first two episodes of Lost on tape, but have… Read More »ABC Lost? or Found?

Disney and Pixar Splitsville?

We may never see Disney and Pixar teamed up to develop, create, and distribute great films. Even Bob Iger says so now. And that’s getting all the news coverage. What is left out is that Pixar and Disney might still come to some sort of partnership regarding aspects other than distribution. Disney’s staff has been… Read More »Disney and Pixar Splitsville?

Disney Kitchen Products

“The new Disney Appliances are technologically savvy with special safety features and lots of Disney magic,” said Randy Hales, president of Back to Basics. “Whether for single or family use, these appliances allow users to enjoy time in one of the favorite rooms of the house — the kitchen. The Disney Smoothie Maker and Disney… Read More »Disney Kitchen Products

Whew. That was Close

Apparently Disneyland Paris was in a bit more financial trouble than previously believed. It had to file for bankruptcy again. This new plan should provide it some needed dept relief and investments in new attractions. Hopefully things will finally turn around for this debt strapped company.

Walt Dated World?

If you visited Walt Disney World in the past and are trying to remember some details about that attraction that has since been closed or remodeled, then there is only one destination on the internet for you — Walt Dated World. Alison has made quite a few updates this month: There is now a full… Read More »Walt Dated World?

Vintage Disney World Hotel logos

Michael Kovalchick of Graphically Speaking found some vintage matchbook covers from the early days of the Contemporary and Polynesian Hotels. Wanting to share the glory of those classic logos, he reproduced them and has made them available via illustrator files. My favorite is the Polynesian logo, but then I’m a tiki nut. (via

Disney’s Vero Beach DVC Resort

Quick update on the Vero Beach Resort. It looks like Frances has done some more damage and it will be closed until mid October. More news when I can find the official word. But in the meantime, call ahead if you have a vacation scheduled there in the next 30 days or so.