Instead Chicken Little being the next Walt Disney Feature Animation franchise, it is beginning to take on the odor of a Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise around here. There were rumors that the film’s director had left town, the movie is getting some bad reviews (a collective 3/10 at Rotten Tomatoes), and people are starting to point fingers. The Box Office results will weigh heavily in Disney’s upcoming negotiations with Pixar for future distribution rights. Would you like your CG Animation crispy or rottiserie?
Speaking of choice, I am hearing good things about the 3-D projection for Chicken Little (theatre list). That just might be the lucky wishbone for Walt Disney Feature Animation (and possibly a niche!). Plus you get to keep the glasses (oh boy… they might be worth $2 on ebay someday.) The Press Release for the 3-D release is below the cut and here’s a link to a new trailer for the 3-D release (qt mov 300, 1500 wmf sm, lrg ).
Disney has also released a featurette that looks at the making of the movie (qt mov 300, 1500 wmf sm, lrg ). If you’re a fan of Disney animation you’ll enjoy this peek behinds the scenes at WDFA.
[ disney, animation, chickenlittle, chicken+little, 3-D, cg+animation, pixar ]
Read More »We come not to Praise Chicken Little, but to Fry him.